You sound like common sense and the other person sounds like they have an axe to grind.
You sound like common sense and the other person sounds like they have an axe to grind.
Vs text books? What’s the difference?
How would a Cam do that?
Maybe like a health department that collects samples at treatment plants to identify the spread of disease. It’s an invasion of privacy. But also doesn’t mean it’s not a benefit to it.
After the cops steal my car?
But also these cameras also solve a problem much faster and just seems like common sense whereas trying to fix some abstract core Zeitgeist that may or may not solve the issue isnt much to sink our teeth into. It’s like someone asking you to fix their toilet and you’re like “well what is a toilet and maybe the issue is you don’t earn enough money to pay a plumber” like great, you’re right in one regard, but the toilet is broken and you could fix it
How sweet would it be if cops did their job though. Like if they actually used the images to arrest the guy breaking into people’s cars at night.
No hacker group ever got their hands on this data?
Surprising that this data never heard gets leaked. It’s always my social security number
This is pure Reddit nonsense.
"Just stay away* will only bring it in faster. You need resistance
It’s like when Mom says “just ignore the bullies” a strategy that bullies thrive on because they can bully and know you’ll walk away
It’s like the Nazis how they tried to make everything the same
Oh yea this comparison always goes over well
This is why the left can’t have nice things.
Like this isn’t the point here. You don’t need to be pointing out this stuff. Just dog pile
Over dramatize it as much as possible making it very easy to satirize.
I think moderators on Lemmy and Reddit are working hard to remove posts and content
I think that’s their point. Just let them be adults and decide. I think overall it’s a very calculate issue used as a proxy for something else. What I don’t understand is why the Democrats or people on the left haven’t seen this stuff for what it is. Also there’s no counter to this strategy. It’s like a weird game theory situation where one group is knows game theory and the other side knows how to play checkers
How far we’ve come
They’re not Nazis. Calling them Nazis just makes it easier to do this stuff
That’s some insane bullshit.
Tech Bros aren’t really reviewing it individually.