I did that too, but I switched to subbing now. I don’t want to see all the insane US politics all the time, but I don’t want to fully block it either. I want to occasionally look at it. So I switched my default feed to subbed
I did that too, but I switched to subbing now. I don’t want to see all the insane US politics all the time, but I don’t want to fully block it either. I want to occasionally look at it. So I switched my default feed to subbed
Sinds het API debacle ben ik al weg van Reddit. Mijn 3rd party app zou ook stoppen, en no way dat ik de officiële app ging gebruiken. Ik heb bij mij vrouw wel gezien hoe verschrikkelijk dat die geworden is. Ik mus het soms, voor specifieke obscuurdere dingen. Maar er is meer dan genoeg op Lemmy te beleven.
That second half is rule 35 actually
I like to watch not-so-great movies while folding laundry. Something that doesn’t require my full attention and where it doesn’t matter if missed something. I’ve been going through to Final Destination movies lately. This week I watched the last one: Final Destination 5. It’s… not as good as the first four 😄
A beautiful model, but it lacks some minifigs in orange shirts 😉
Wait, what? Which button?
Edit: apparently hitting start + a on the menu screen after you lost your last life.
There are tons of private companies making games. They’re usually called indy’s
I loved this game! I got it for free on PS plus some years ago
These are awesome! Thank you!
Oh, this is awesome! Please post more if you have any!
That poor horse 😄 But, have you thought about remapping the keys in either game? At one point I just unmapped F in some games
The dweller ended up being a really easy boss to deal with. We’re deep into the Dwarrowdelf now. I just found the last piece of Durin’s axe so I assume we’re near the end. I didn’t look anything up because I didn’t want to spoil ourselves. We’re in tier IV armor and weapons. It looks great, except for the helms. They have one big horn and one little horn. I hate horns on helmets and I don’t like asymmetry either 😄
Every few months my friends and I pick up Deep Rock Galactic for a few weeks. And every time when we switch to a different game after that we always end up hitting “F” all the time all over the place. In DRG that’s the button to throw a flare and you use it constantly when moving around. Very annoying when another game uses it for something completely different like a grenade toss 😄
That looks beautiful!
Yeah, I’m playing with a friend. I think we’re nearing the end. My gaming laptop struggles as well, but turning down the setting and upping frame generation helped a bit
I played “Shadow of the Horned Rat” and “Dark Omen” back in the day. Pretty fun but very difficult, especially Shadow.
People already hardly interact with old content. Have you been there? It’s dead. The game should be called “Zone of Warcraft” because pretty much everyone only runs the latest expansion.
Pentiment, an awesome point-and-click whodunnit with meaningful choices and beautiful medieval graphics. You only have limited time so you can’t do everything and follow every lead.
Return to Moria, a generic survival/crafting game that was recently free on Epic. I had low expectations of this one, but it is surprisingly solid. But it really sucks that there is no dedicated server support.
I think I’ll love the time mechanic. Pentiment has something similar and it makes choices meaningful. I don’t like how in many games when an NPC says “meet me there tonight” they will just wait for you for weeks on end. They should wait the very next night and then be pissed off that you stood them up!
The first one is regularly on sale for $10 or less. Just try it. It’s really good!