What’s a little bit of murder when compared to her other crimes, eh?
What’s a little bit of murder when compared to her other crimes, eh?
I thought it was Oracle, the company of “our products are designed for one purpose alone: to tick boxes on RFPs.”
Then your only challenge will be converting to and from human-friendly formats and cleansing user input. Easy.
I asked ChatGPT for some potential solutions to the Y10K issue. I particularly enjoyed this suggestion:
Plan for Y10K Early: Build flexible and extensible systems now, with modular design to incorporate future changes seamlessly.
It’s what happens when James uses the good dining forks to unjam the cupboard door again.
Well, that was certainly the peak of human artistic achievement.
Imagine thinking that’ll be the biggest date-related computing problem for a galactic society.
If you really want to make programmers despair, point out:
Also tells us how frequently we need to issue “reminders”.
Google isn’t a search engine any more. It stopped being that some years ago.
Now it’s more accurately described as a shitty content feed that can be weakly filtered using key words.
Standard conservative mindset. Swimming against the tide.
They might slow things, but the inevitable progress of technology plus equally inevitable increase in gas prices over time will shift the market to EVs anyway.
Or perhaps the right ones…
And if if they don’t shoot you, odds are they’ll do fuck all with your case.
Cool. Now we just need to allow people to transition before puberty, and we’re all sorted.
* Unvaxxed child, or anti-vaxxer’s child.
Don’t blame the kids.
Gin trap.
Oh there’ll be elections. Just like Russia has elections, and Cuba.
Facebook?? LMAO