I was very interested in the thumbnail of this post so I did a little digging and found this: The PDF to the Paper where the whole picture is
That would be “accepting the premise of assholes” as Louis Rossman would say.
This has david firth levels of weirdness, I like it.
Wommen are a few years and a few years and a few years and a few years and a few years
Grayjay is also a option if you want to avoid the adds. Eddit* spelling changed from Gayjay to Grayjay
Wild theory: could it have been malicious compliance? Maybe the dev got a written notice to do it that way from some incompetent manager.
My friend your first steps that you should do right now are: Get up from the toiltet Grab a glass and drink it Then make yourself a sandwich Then continue from there
Hang them in the sun, the UV radiation kills most of the germs
It’s so sad to see this game slowly drown. The Gameplay is rock solid, the visuals are a great step up from Payday 2 and they pushed their stealth to another level. What slowly kills the game for me are numerous small things like death of a thousand cuts. Allways Online. The UI is uninspired at best and plain broken at worst. There is no offline single player. Great maps but way to few so it gets repetitive and boring after the 15th robbery of the same Bank. The progression was a big problem (luckily already they changed it). The wepons don’t feel different enough. They are only introducing now persistent player lobbys after a heist. I could go on for much longer but you get the point. What they fix is way to slow and way to little. I was hopeful that they could change the game to the better and make Payday to the talk of the town again but insted I feel like the game is becoming so irrelevant that nobody would even like to pirate it. And you know you are screwed when they don’t even wanna pirate your shit.
Kind of reminds me of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, but like what you might encounter in the acid ocean.
… Good night.
I am pretty certain my Audi 80 from 1994 doesn’t know anything about me. Can’t opt out, if it doesn’t collect anything.
The App (Drip) gives you after about 3 months acurate times on when the period should start. If you want accurate fertility tracking your girlfriend will have to measure her basal temperature (ar best daily) and either look out for changing cervical mucus or change in cervix opening/hardness.
I am glad I finally got my wife use this Foss alternative instated of some garbage that sends your data to a proprietary server.
Reminds me very much of: https://yourwife.zip/
This article reads as if nobody wanted to legalize it which is wrong. The population was asking for legalization for many years now. Finally the new “traffic light coalition” made the change.
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“Seal downloader” from the Playstore and “Seal” from F-Droid are 2 very different apps. One is a a clone riddled with ads, the other one is FOSS goodness. You are free to guess which is which.