Typically all water is free at US restaurants, buffet or otherwise. Not sure if that’s the case in other countries or not.
Typically all water is free at US restaurants, buffet or otherwise. Not sure if that’s the case in other countries or not.
What I’ve read says that you aren’t charged unless you cross the boundary. If you reside inside the zone and never leave and enter again, you won’t be charged a toll.
Definitely the Bobiverse books. Engineer in the 21st century dies, but paid to have himself cryogenically frozen. 200 years in the future, Christian fundamentalist seized control of the government and made it illegal to revive people like him. The world is on the brink of nuclear apocolypse so they used new technology to upload his consciousness into a spaceship computer to search the galaxy for a habitat planet for humanity. Spaceship has auto-factories onboard that let him replicate more ships and digital clones of himself. It has some serious parts, but it is written in a lighthearted manner with some technical explanation for future technology.
I’ve found that if you hold the cat in your lap, use the finger and thumb of one hand to wiggle on either side of their face where their mouth begins to open their mouth, if you can then get the pill on the very furthest part of their tongue closest to their throat, there is an automatic reflex to swallow. I used to try putting it in their food and it never worked. This worked every time.
Same experience and same metro-area… It was the 90s, but still, I’d be gone on my bike across town for hours. I lived in Grapevine.
IMO I’d take the 3 day break every time. Being able to take the kids to their grandparents for a 3 day weekend, or stay another day on a weekend trip sounds too convenient to pass up.
Yeah, 100%. I hit the windows button and immediately just continue typing the name of the program I’m looking for. It’s extremely convenient.
You just gonna casually leave the CSAM out of the headline? Smh.
First thing I would do is do some work on myself. Get a job that you are comfortable with (or even like if possible), start working out and eating right, get your own place (sounds like you might be staying with your parents from the post), and do the mental work to take accountability for things you can improve on in the way you have interacted in relationships.
The last one was the hardest for me after my big break up, but it took a lot of very intentional work to realize that I had a lot to change in order to be a good partner. If you want the woman of your dreams, you need to be the kind of man who deserves her.
I wonder why no one is saying that since the dog was not properly leashed, it is the dog owner who is at fault. In fact, he would be responsible to pay for any damages to your car.
Yeah but don’t make the units “metric hours/minutes/seconds” for crying out loud. Make another unit of measurement.
Say that to this guy.
Water fall from sky
I’m going through the process right now in Kansas City Missouri and it seems like it varies from place to place. Leasing agencies seem to be the worst. One of these required everything you mention above except the passport scan, and it was 1.5 months of paycheck stubs from your employer.
The majority of use my leaf blower gets I blowing grass clippings from the street back into my lawn. It keeps cyclists safe and doesn’t make a mess on public travel ways. I think for that purpose they are a great solution.
Idk if you’ve already solved the issue, but I wonder if your EA account is locked or something. Can you log in to EA on any other device? You might try on your browser and see if any actions are required.
Damn man, he didn’t say you were stupid, he just said he disagreed with you. Don’t need to sling mud for a different opinion.
This is anecdotal, so keep that in mind when making your decision. I have had 2 friends develop lung issues from smoking the oil in vape pens. Several years ago one of my friends switched to flower only and he has since recovered. My other friend who still smokes the oil has developed worse lung problems. I think that our lungs have evolved to be able to clear particulates out of them with relative ease. Oil, however, has never been something that we breathe in. The oil vapor enters the lungs and then reliquifies. This liquid is thick amd sticky and goes into the fine tube of your lungs. The normal process your lungs use to clear debris is not very effective at clearing this sticky oil and can take much longer.
Ok thanks! I’ll check him out.
Only have children if you are ready to give up your own comfort and freedom to provide an environment for them that they deserve and will thrive in. I have 3 kids and knew that it was a huge commitment, but that still won’t prepare you for exactly what that means. You wake up when your child wakes up, regardless of how much sleep you’ve had or if you stayed up late to have some hard-to-find personal time with your significant other or alone. Children crave attention and deserve to have a locked-in parent so when they are awake, scrolling on social media or watching your TV show instead of interacting with your kid playing on the floor is a disservice to them. Some of your closest friends before children are often not compatible with the vision you have for your family and it requires you to cut some people out of your life that you honestly valued before you were responsible for the development of another human. There are many sacrifices that really shocked my system to get accustomed to, but it has been worth the trouble. Just remember that they come first above your comfort and wishes because they didn’t ask to be here and your choice to bring them into this world means that your are responsible for creating an environment for them to feel safe and loved.