Fuck Fetterman. I used to love him. His support of trans people was so touching. Now he’s a joke. He needs to resign.
Fuck Fetterman. I used to love him. His support of trans people was so touching. Now he’s a joke. He needs to resign.
Honestly, the way some servers are, a swift kick or a drop off the shelf will do the job!
The mod of a sub I watch confirmed earlier that Reddit is threatening moderators who don’t comply with removing the names of Elon’s goons from their subs, claiming that spreading those names is doxxing.
Those names, by the way, are Gavin Kliger, Ethan Shaotran, Akash Bobba, Luke Farritor, and Edward Coristine.
But nice scapegoat you got there.
The mod of a sub I watch confirmed earlier that Reddit is threatening moderators who don’t comply with removing the names of Elon’s goons from their subs, claiming that spreading those names is doxxing.
Those names, by the way, are Gavin Kliger, Ethan Shaotran, Akash Bobba, Luke Farritor, and Edward Coristine.
But nice scapegoat you got there.
The fact that they don’t even name said goons in this article is pathetic. To reiterate, their names are Gavin Kliger, Ethan Shaotran, Akash Bobba, Luke Farritor, and Edward Coristine. Musk doesn’t want their names out there - say them louder!
I know of one that has a specific theme weekend for sci-fi for this exact reason. It gets all the Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr Who, and other time traveling costumers to come then, gives them their fun of interacting with other sci-fi fandoms, and keeps the other weekends more or less free of them.
Blocking people who cause you unnecessary grief is always the right move. Their energysuck is not worth it.
Dentists don’t want you to know about this one crazy trick!
On one hand, ABA has a long history of being an incredibly abusive, cruel form of “therapy” often performed by untrained and unlicensed staff that subject children to excessive hours of being trained like an animal and is cited by many autistic adults as what caused them to develop PTSD.
On the other, United and other health insurers refuse to pay for basically any other form of therapy for autistic kids because they claim it’s also not necessary or unproven.
In the end, it’s autistic people and our families who get fucked over, no matter what direction you go in.
Imagine paying for a blue tick on Xitter.
That buck just keeps on passing around, huh?
This is pretty much the vibe of many conversations at scifi conventions.
Source: I was just at a scifi convention
Not even just a sign up verification wall in this case - It’s a straight up paywall.
I’m watching leftist subs already get filled up with Russian propaganda about the election being stolen. It’s depressing. They’re doing the same shit to us as they did to the right in 2020 and we’re falling for it.
I’m involved in the manufacturing sector. At recent trade shows, we’ve been hearing that a lot of companies were holding off on making decisions about purchasing goods and machinery until after the election, though no one was saying much specifically about what each candidate would mean for their decisions. This article seems to say the outlook isn’t super rosy and his initiatives don’t make a ton of sense.
Considering the stories that came out about how they used the White House pharmacy as a drug dealer, no, it would not surprise me in the least.
“Joined 25 days ago”
Ok Russian shill account.
Thanks electing Trump, Uncommitteds. Enjoy watching Gaza burn and Ukraine turn into Russia.
This was always going to happen. Companies in Germany when Hitler rose to power didn’t protest and speak up against him - they needed to sell his army goods. They made his uniforms and cars and didn’t say a peep about the extermination of people around them. The companies that spoke up were crushed. A corporation’s bottom line is their bottom line, no matter what horrors they need to assist in perpetrating.