Yes yes everyone has some fucking syndrome and russophobia, etc. Grow up.
Yes yes everyone has some fucking syndrome and russophobia, etc. Grow up.
Russians are the modern day nazies. It’s funny how they keep talking about some “nazi” threat when they literally use the same logic as Hitler. The only aggressor is Russia. No NATO country has invaded or discussed invading Russia. There is no security threat. Only Russian bullshit.
Also, crying when Ukraine attacks Russian territory is a bit rich after 2+ years of war on Ukrainian soil. Russia does not get to dictate the rules of the war they started, unfortunately.
Who is attacking Russia? Russia attacked Ukraine. I think we’re clear on that? Or no?
Somehow you seem to eat all the Kremlin propaganda at face value, and that’s very sad. But you do you. Maybe stop posting this bs though?
I know you can’t seriously believe this retarded crap for real. So I’ll just assume you’re trolling.
Putin will get us nuked. He has the power to end this war. But he won’t. He’d rather kill us all.
Notice how Russia is the only country constantly talking about using nukes. It’s fucking exhausting. And it did not start with this war.
Russia is defending itself how? Surely you cannot be this delusional?
The war started because of Russia. It’s insane to state otherwise.
Why do you give Russia a free pass here? They are the ones threatening to use nuclear weapons. But somehow Washington is the bad guys. What a fucked up take.
You seem to be missing the whole point. Maybe go calm down and stop calling people names.
I don’t think astroturfing means what you think it means.
Wait, what do you expect the democrats to do? Start a civil war? Surrender and disappear?
I assume they are trying their best to do damage control - and to prevent the destruction of democracy with the tools they have left. Which is not much.
It’s ok to discriminate against a nation for waging war. Should be done to any nation. Including Israel, etc.
Are you lost? This is not reddit. Also, Russia could stop attacking an european nation to gain some respect back. But they won’t. Instead they threaten everyone with nukes daily and cry why nobody likes them.
So your argument is that Linux foundation should relocate to… where? Sorry that was such a bad argument that I did not even consider it being one.
Why would they relocate? To keep a few Russian maintainers? Because not relocating is “racist”? Not sure what you mean, just trying to guess.
There should be sanctions on every country invading. Its not rocket science. It’s crazy to say that russia is being sanctioned for racist reasons. They are literally attacking an European nation. Makes sense that other European countries sanction them, no?
Sanctions against a country/nation that is attacking another sovereign nation are not “racist”. Russia could easily stop their war to start getting rid of the sanctions.
Oh, obviously not, USA was definitely not defending itself. I was just pointing out that it would be ridiculous to say that USA was committing genocide on its own citizens when they sent them to war.
So the argument is basically same as saying that the americans committed genocide during vietnam war because of the draft. I think it’s extremely common practice to require citizens to defend your country during an invasion. I would argue this is done in most wars.
Sure, it’s not great, but I don’t think Zelensky is doing anything unexpected. Any European country would likely do more or less the same if Russia invaded.
As a European that’s what I expect our government to do during an invasion. I would not call that genocide even if I’m sent to die.
So your point is that Ukraine is committing genocide by forcing their citizens to defend their country? And somehow they are the bad guys, not the imperialist Russians?
Maybe I misunderstood, but if not, that is some impressive mental gymnastics.
So sovereign nations have no right to choose who they align with? Finland has not been “neutral” towards Russia truly probably ever. The only country who frequently talks about attacking/nuking Finland is Russia.
Finland being is NATO is not a threat to Russia unless Russia wants to start a war. No Finn wants to step a foot on Russian soil. I would argue the same is true for any NATO country. So countries being in NATO is only a threat to Russian expansion and influence. I guess that’s the point. They are mad that countries dislike listening to their constant threats and warmongering. They talk about russophobia constantly. Who would bot be afraid of a country who frequently talks about nuking European countries.