They’re going to specifically target Denmark for greenland.
They’re going to specifically target Denmark for greenland.
I don’t expect there to be midterms.
They don’t see the writing on the wall, if it protects the billionaires it must protect to millionaires. They don’t realize they’re days are only numbered slightly higher than the rest of us.
They already knew they could control zuckyboy though.
That was the catalyst that made them realize they didn’t have the sway to control the narrative on tik Tok and that they had to destroy it.
Honestly knowing what you don’t know and knowing how to find the answers is a skill in and of itself.
Guys it’s all of it.
No, it was just his superior genetics that allowed him to heal quicker than a normal person would.
The same thing that happens when anyone else is killed and the culprit isn’t identified, only with a bunch of added conspiracy theories.
I know there was still a similar thing running for the /r/trees subreddit last I look. It was /r/treesradio if I remember
It’s because it’s the price to upgrade your current subscription for the remainder of its length, you only have a little bit of time left, would you rather pay for the full price of the subscription and lose the remainder of your other one?
Please point me to the news outlets not run by bad guys talking about how the good guys can win. I’m being serious, I need that kind of news
I’ve almost doubled my salary in 5 years, I’m worse off financially due to the raise in everything else.
Have to keep them home to repopulate the meat grinder.
The price of the you alone isn’t worth it, the kids will happily eat the food and it’s less than 6 bucks for a meal and a toy for them.
If my kids didn’t go do crazy for happy meals I’d never spend a dime there.
Antiperspirants tend to use either aluminum or zinc as an active ingredient, both are known to cause skin irritation in some people.
Nah completely raw, you just end up with a basic dough if you try to bread a raw egg in flour, you can however pouch eggs until just the outside whites of set and than freeze and bread those.
The country can’t get it’s shit together and it’s been months since most of the people have had reliable power. No reliable power means no refrigeration which makes keeping foods challenging.
You think that’s going to stop them? They still think mexico is gonna pay for the wall.