It has a repo you can add to F-Droid. I forgot I added the separate repo.
It has a repo you can add to F-Droid. I forgot I added the separate repo.
Try Grayjay. There’s an option on their YpuTube plugin to allow age-restricted videos. Just try the mobile app for now, though, their desktop version is still in alpha phase.
Was gonna say this looks like AI. Biggest tell is that it’s standing upright when given one side is flat and the legs are different lengths it really shouldn’t be able to.
Only S/V battle I lost was the Eri boss battle in the fighting type Team Star base, which took several tries due to a similar assumption of level scaling. Didn’t lose a single battle in Sword/Shield or Legends Arceus. Hardest Switch game for me was BDSP, just from needing two tries at the Elite Four due to the difficulty spike, and I barely beat them on the second try.
Overall, in a general difficulty sense I think the most “challenging” core game I played was Ultra Sun. The totem pokemon provided a few surprises that made me have to resort to a few “plan B” options during battle, even if I didn’t lose to any of them, and trainers sometimes actually showed a modicum of intelligence. I was also at around opponent level or even underleveled throughout the game.
It sucks some people lost their jobs, but logically it makes sense. New head honcho wants his guys on his staff.
TIL super glue is a $50 billion industry
He’ll be extended. He’s had a few head-scratching game decisions but what head coach hasn’t, otherwise he’s led the team to two of its most successful seasons (win-loss record wise) in recent memory, and in the process has gotten more out of historically average-at-best QBs than anyone else has, and for much of the season was in most talking heads’ short lists for coach of the year. Kwesi would be crazy to let him walk, and given that nobody else has interviewed him I gather the rest of the league thinks so too. With Darnold likely gone and the JJ McCarthy era in MN likely beginning next season, both stability in the head coach position in general and KOC’s apparent “QB whisperer” abilities are both going to be important to ensure McCarthy has a strong start to his career. I’m confident they’ll get a deal done, and they don’t need to be in a hurry to do it.
I used to walk to all sorts of places when I needed things, or even just for fun, while listening to music or podcasts, when my phone had a headphone jack. Now I never walk anywhere and just about never listen to music on my phone because I can’t keep the wireless earbuds connected to the phone or to each other and they’re always only at 50-60 percent charge if I’m lucky. Removing the headphone jack from my phone has literally made me less healthy. Thanks, Apple.
Yeah, but this is Lemmy, where anything that’s not extreme left is automatically neo-Nazism, so it’s kinda expected. 😑
The Vikings should move on from Minnesota if they ever want to win a Super Bowl, and I say this as a Vikings fan and fan of Minnesota sports in general since the '90s. Minnesota has, and fosters, a losing sports culture. Teams that leave our state instantly find success. The fans here are either satisfied with being mediocre at best and “aww shucks, just happy to be here” or are just too cynical and jaded to care anymore because they’ve seen the same rerun too many times. The players feel the fans give up and give up themselves in return. I’ve seen Twins, Vikings and Wild teams blatantly just give up in the playoffs at the slightest moment of adversity in the last five years. The only MN team I can respect anymore in that regard is the Timberwolves, who in their two playoff runs in the past few years, even though they didn’t go all the way, they played their hearts out and left it all on the court, and didn’t just lie down when things got tough. I wish I could say that for the other teams. But because we have teams that just give up, and our fans just accept it as inevitable (toxic negativity) or even a wondrous accomplishment to get that far (toxic positivity), Minnesota as a state will never see a championship again.
Sorry, just had to rant.
I personally vastly prefer mutable distros for my own system, but I understand the appeal for those who like them. As long as mutable distros remain an option I don’t mind immutable distros.
And then Rare claimed they were continuing the memory-maxing shenanigans with DK 64 requiring the Expansion Pack to play, but it was really only to fix one bug that would be hard to run into but would break the game without it. The Expansion Pack does very little to nothing for the game otherwise. According to some former Rare devs they could’ve fixed the bug without needing the Expansion Pack but they decided to require it anyway.
More of an anomaly than it is today, TBH. The console stores and Steam really do not care anymore what goes up on their shop, as long as they can see even a little $$$ from it. Porn games on the eShop and Steam are rampant.
Back in those times gaming was still seen as mainly a kid’s hobby by most, so I would almost guarantee Conker fooled a lot of parents (didn’t fool mine, though), especially being on the N64 and starring a “cute” squirrel as the main protagonist. I would actually argue, though, that parents cared a good deal more then than they do now. Night Trap and Mortal Kombat almost got games censored by the US government in the early 90s, and they’d be seen as quaint now. We’ve had a ratings system for 30 years and more underage kids than ever are probably playing adult oriented games today. An M rating is just what marketers need to sell their game to the junior high market because parents are ignorant and retailers just want the money, doesn’t matter from where.
Mint or Pop_OS are likely the most widely recommended distros I know of for beginners. I haven’t tried either of them myself, but from what I hear about them I’m inclined to agree. Personally I would NOT recommend a rolling release distro to beginners. Too much potential to break things way too easily and way too often, which would likely require digging into the terminal to fix. Terminal-averse beginners wouldn’t be served well by that at all.
“My human got me the most awesome box for Christmas. He also got me a toy, and that was nice and whatever. But that box was AMAZING.”
Even given that, I’d still think there would be an uptick in Linux market share, but only a small one. Certainly no “year of the Linux desktop” levels.
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, a few days ago. Been busy or just didn’t feel like gaming since then.
It only makes sense. The console is almost 8 years old already and there hasn’t been a major (first-party at least) game release since November at the latest (M&L Brothership and Mario Party Jamboree), if one could really call them major releases. Otherwise you’re going back to Zelda Echoes of Wisdom, which isn’t even really a “major” release in terms of the Zelda franchise. So aging console + lack of big new games to buy + new console announced = lagging sales. Happens with just about every console at EOL.