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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Looking at the patch notes, it sounds like they slipped in for the initial update adding them before being removed in the next hotfix.

    Not too sure how useful that speed boost is, normal slide attacks don’t preserve momentum, but you might be able do some dumb things by using auto melee and spamming ctrl while in the air. The dojo’s obstacle course might have been interesting if they allowed melee weapons to be wielded there instead of only holstered.

  • I played through the majority of the starchart without adding forma/potatoes to my equipment. It would have been the point where I finally made it to the Kuva Fortress before I started. I wasn’t using guides and this was before nightwave so there wasn’t even anything to prompt players to use forma on their weapons. Event weapons like the Opticor Vandal and Dex Sybaris carried me through most of the game.

  • I don’t really like Mind control, the enemies you would want to use it on most are eximus and they have overguard preventing it from working on them. They’re usually dead as soon as their overguard is broken too.

    Psychic Bolts propagating is a nice update, still seems a little weird that it is a timed armor/shield strip. Doesn’t exactly strip overguard, but any amount of overguard transferred to Nyx will block damage from bleeding through when it breaks.

    Would be nice if Chaos could proc Radiation on eximus units for Nyx’s passive, and to make it consistent with other warframe’s status based abilities. Not terrible for CC, especially if you know how enemies attack.

    Absorb not draining energy for every hit was a needed change, and assimilate is also pretty good too, especially if you use your melee/copter to move around.

    I do think the update for Nyx has been good overall, especially the changes to psychic bolts, and the updated assimilate also has the niche uses making it very useful for certain content.

    The relics for Nyx Prime are permanently available inside of Railjack.

  • I prioritized whatever was in the prime vault at the time because those things always took a while to come back into rotation. Once you’re done collecting anything vaulted, you can try to collect the older primes still in rotation. They will have multiple relics available making it a lot easier to get the parts you need.

    It’s not efficient, but I would always collect the main bp for a part so I could look up what I was still missing at a glance in the foundry.

    Profit Taker is a pretty good farm if the radiant relic you want is in the drop table, it saves a huge amount of time trying to collect void traces. There was one other bounty (Phase 2) in there where you assassinate corpus researchers which was also very fast after getting through all of the dialog.

    Sell junk and buy the parts you need on Popular primes like Wukong usually sell pretty fast for a reasonable amount, depending on how long you’ve been playing you might have a decent stash of relics to burn to complete sets and sell him. Reworked primes like Nyx also tend to sell fairly fast after an update too.

  • Looks like it was down to the weapon being tested, I used the Sancti Magistar incarnon and wasn’t aware that it had some initial combo once it’s in the incarnon form which pushes it just over the point needed for 8x combo when using a fully ranked corrupt charge + Galvanized Reflex. With the Corufell, you’re right that all you need is a rank 2 Corrupt charge, and that a rank 3 mod won’t make a difference.

  • Dystopia@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneTried the Tank Again
    1 month ago

    A maxed rank Corrupt Charge might be better here, with Galvanized Reflex, it’s enough initial combo to hit 8x. Still some diminishing returns going from 7x to 8x, but you aren’t really bothering with combo duration anyways so it’s free damage.

    *only true if you’re using a weapon with an initial combo gimmick

  • Before “crits” were removed from abilities, I remember people mentioning that Protea’s Blaze Artillary could be buffed by Harrow’s Covenant.


    Hotfix 33.6.1 (2023-07-31) Missed Notes:

    • With the new Ability Damage qualifier with the Enhanced Damage Numbers system, some players may think that certain Warframe abilities have had their Critical Chance nerfed. In truth, some Warframe abilities had a Critical Chance multiplier simply to add “oomph” to their damage numbers, without having an actual impact on Damage output. With this new Enhanced Damage System, that extra oomph is no longer needed, so those non-functional Critical Change values were removed, but the overall damage of these abilities are unchanged.

    A bit of a nerf if you were using any arcanes that triggered on crit, and if you were making use of Volt’s shields for the added crit damage multiplier.

    You can try to make use of the Scourge to make headshots a little more common, or void status but that’s a little more janky. Not all abilities can be redirected with a bullet attractor though, and sometimes projectiles will just orbit instead of homing in onto the enemy (maybe an issue with static enemies).

  • Dystopia@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneTried the Tank Again
    1 month ago

    Use try either Sampotes or the Sancti Magistar for the boss.
    Gladiator Might can be swapped for Corrupt Charge if you prefer having some minimum initial combo before Galvanized Reflex starts adding up/higher maximum combo when spamming heavy slams.

    Doesn’t really matter if you use Sacrificial or Primed Pressure Point, just whatever your forma allows. Sampotes seemed to hit ahead instead of radially so you might need to slam next to the tank if you pick that weapon.

    In phase 1, I think the rocket launchers will take out a full phase, might be easier to get one to use on the tank after breaking the weak points than it is to heavy slam until the boss is dead.

    Use the Incarnon Latron for armor strip. Pistol is up to you, Secondary fortifier might be helpful.

    Use specters to draw agro before starting the boss fight, they can’t be summoned after the boss has spawned in on hard mode. People have mentioned Dante/Jade being good specters, haven’t tried them myself.

    Use a sentinel with Sacrifice for a chance at getting revived. Unfortunately when solo, it feels like cheese builds are a requirement, especially with all of the nullifying and damage attenuation.

  • I kind of wish they would revert the change to Tail Wind so it wouldn’t stop you as soon as you come in contact with the floor when traveling along the ground. I’ve always had fun playing it as a meme Target Fixation build.

    The best change was probably changing the tornados to spawn at max range instead of requiring you to hit them with airburst to increase their size. It felt like a hassle to do every time you wanted to use the tornados just to force some synergy between the two abilities and it was more of a hidden mechanic unless you’re someone that reads the tool tips for warframe abilities.