The only ads Ive watched in the past year were ads from flex seal and tim henson, and those were technically just videos.
If ads were like that I wouldnt mind them as much
Might have the big dumb
The only ads Ive watched in the past year were ads from flex seal and tim henson, and those were technically just videos.
If ads were like that I wouldnt mind them as much
Maybe try bamboo? Cheap material if you want to diy it, and its already pretty wind chime shaped
Both titanfall and team fortress deserves a new game in the franchise
I stopped using twitter way longer than that, tbh I’m basically gone from most social media
Twitter used to be more interesting and I talked with a lot of people. Nowadays it’s pretty devoid
Didn’t nitter shut down like 2 years ago or something
South Korea did detain and impeach the dude, so hopefully it goes somewhere unlike where the US is now
Whatsapp is owned by meta
Not a shitty product, but the company is shit unfortunately
Aliexpress is a wrapper for alibaba that I’ve used a while (like 3-4 years)
As with most of these chinese shopping sites, you have to do your due diligence when shopping. A lot of the stuff sold are like plastic goods, which ymmv if you want or not (for example plastic wall hooks are perfectly fine imo, but maybe not for other things).
Obviously there’s issues with consumerism on these, and supporting local is better, but in this economy, I wouldn’t fault people trying to get the most bang for your buck.
(This might change in the next week in the us depending on what happens)
Literally in my first paragraph I said it was a volunteer program
If you want to argue about forced inmate labor being the modern day slavery sure but that’s not related to this program at all
That’s reasonable. It’ll take a long time, they’ll have to dismantle and rebuild almost the entirety of the prison system, but that’s a goal we should be working for.
I’d wager all the machine compacting and shredding they do at a landfill would render any harddrive broken. Maybe it survived, but after all these years, I highly doubt it survived being expoded to the elements anyways
They provide one on the left (0, 25, 50, 75, 100)
What those units mean I have no clue, but I’m guessing 100 means 100% and is the highest amount of views, which they then base the rest on (5% of the highest recorded views, etc)
It’s also a futile attempt. In the off chance they even find it, that hard drive would be toast by then. In a landfill, that hard drive would prob be shattered and in pieces, not to mention probably corroded and unreadable.
Pirating adobe will always be morally correct
I’ve already stated that I think this volunteer position should have better benefits and pay. Despite that, I will stand behind this program being a step towards the right direction. This program is far from exploitation. It’s not an embarrassment, and one of the few rehabilitation programs that actually attempts to help inmates get back on their feet after prison.
If you really think other states do any similar programs you’re grossly mistaken. Except for a couple other blue states, the other states imprison people in for profit prisons, so they can lease forced labor for pennies. There’s no comparable program in the states, and if you find a problem with the pay, you should be looking at literally everywhere else in the states that uses inmates for farm labor because those states refuse to pay people proper wages. Not to mention the fact that those are involuntary labor.
Everyone’s always quick to attack Cali for literally anything.
The firefighter / emergency reponder program is a volunteer position. Prisoners are not forced to join. They willingly joined, learned about the job, and are expected to help out when needed.
Everyone likes to complain about this as forced slavery, but this is one of the better programs inmates can volunteer in. They get experience, rehabilitation, and work towards emergency certificates that they can then use to get hired once they are released.
The other states have no comparable rehabilitation program. They’ll gladly throw you out to the streets with a criminal record and let you suffer because a criminal record reduces your chance of getting a job by a significant amount.
Are there plenty of issues with the program still? Yes. There’s long, grueling hours that comes with the nature of emergency response, bad pay, and a multitude of other issues, but a lot of it ties with how the prison system works and will take a lot of reform to set things right. I’m confident in Cali working towards those things though. This state has always been working for the people, even if it’s a slow and tedious process.
And for those who actually care, you can read more about the program here:
Public utilities are cheaper than private ones. And it’s not like there aren’t city programs for low income. Cali is far from being the most progressive (in comparison to the rest of the world) and they have plenty of assistance programs for all possible utilities.
Deporting seems a bit too nice. I was thinking moreso jailtime for about a couple hundred lifetimes