Presumably because you’re protecting yourself rather than the “clients”?
I have the same problem even after unchecking read posts. Of course, it’s a bug either way. In the meantime I just always click the save post button so my posts show up there instead.
The real reason was that Gollum couldn’t fly. If they flew there, Frodo would have claimed the ring and that would be that.
The explanation for why Gandalf chose not to fly is up for question, but ultimately irrelevant.
Can you clarify? If my instance doesn’t have custom emojis, it’s safe?
Planetina from Rick and Morty would just straight up murder the biggest offenders.
Well, I just made and intend to only have Tolkien related communities there. So block away if that’s not your thing. However, the only way to block an instance is to defederate and that’s kind of harsh. Hopefully the feature of blocking communities by instance is added.
Like this: !
Assuming that’s the right one. Same name can be used on any instance.
You need to include the instance domain.
This sort of stuff is crucial and needs to be built in.
Most instances are one user’s whim away from going away. This isn’t a problem as long as clients back things up and migration is easy. But, that doesn’t happen right now.
Guarantee we’ll see some big news at points in the future when a big instance goes down because the owner died or just lost interest.
Again, these are easily overcome, but they are issues right now.
Actually, clicking those links actually works! Hooray!
I was under the impression that you were supposed to be able to search for “!” in the community search bar and find things there. Now that I know it works, I’ve found that simply modifying the community url also works. So going to: actually jumps me right to it.
So, looks like it was already working. Thanks!
Agree about the comparison with music. I wonder why we didn’t see balkanization there like we do for video.
Awesome! I was hoping this would be possible. I plan to host my own instance and would need to migrate everything.
Also, I’ll defederate any corporate instances. No need to encourage bad actors.
Cable cost well over $100 a month many years ago when I cancelled it. And 1/3 of the content is commercials.
Pretty sure you could subscribe to every major streaming service for less than that. And as long as you avoid Hulu, you won’t see commercials.
Things are WAY better now, even though it was better a little while ago when there was just Netflix.
The Curta calculator is a marvel of engineering made by a guy who developed it while imprisoned by Nazis.
You specify numbers on the side and spin the handle up top to add them. You multiply numbers by specifying one number on the side then spinning the handle and rotating the collar.
Hard to describe via text. But there are lots of YouTube videos about it.
This particular model is special because it’s a cutaway model meant for demonstrating how it works internally. It’s a rare version of an already rare calculator and I absolutely love it.
The Curta feels so tactile in the way it works. You can feel the numbers being added when you rotate the handle and feel the zip of the mechanical parts interacting.
I actually cannot rewatch that movie because of her. Infuriating.
Whoa, that shrug guy loses his backslash arm in Lemmy too? It’s a reddit flashback!
If we’re going to ignore societal norms, can we please bring back 80’s hair? I fucking love 80’s hair.
Can you repair Curtas? I think there’s a niche market demand for that. I’d certainly want it if mine ever broke.
The Connect app allows you to hide posts based on keywords. Maybe add “reddit” to that?
That’s a deep cut.