It’s spez so of course they’re going to go for NSFW subs. Pretty sure that’ll just cause people to move to Onlyfans and other, already NSFW platforms.
Can’t really see anyone paying for sub access apart from porn.
Glorified network janitor. Perpetual blueteam botherer. Friendly neighborhood cyberman. Constantly regressing toward the mean. Slowly regarding silent things.
It’s spez so of course they’re going to go for NSFW subs. Pretty sure that’ll just cause people to move to Onlyfans and other, already NSFW platforms.
Can’t really see anyone paying for sub access apart from porn.
All of them have really bad audio and as such, they’re completely useless.
Siis näkyyhän se ihan tänne ulospäin myös.
En jaksa katsoa miten just sopuli voi, mutta yleinen fediverse trendi ollut alaspäin (aktiiviset käyttäjät). Jengit meni kai takaisin redditiin ja twitteriin sen alkuinnostuksen jälkeen.
I’ve been politically active most of my life and I’ve voted (I’ve got a dual citizenship, so I can vote in two countries, which I’ve done), however, as I’ve grown older and am now nearing retirement age, I’ve realized the futility of it all. The same elite politicians are still in power. They still top their party ballots (“the big names”, “heavy hitters”) and normally get auto-elected to the parliament. They are creatures that live within the system and thus the system never changes. Issues haven’t been solved - at most we’ve reached some kind of muddled centrist consensus and agreement that “this is what it is” - there’s actually very little reform and every mandate period with sways a bit, like a wave reaching to hit the beach to wash away the sand castle but not quite reaching.
The old truism of “people being more conservative as they age” has been completely opposite for me. In my youth I was probably liberal, slightly right leaning democrat - these days I’m very firmly anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist libertarian socialist and believe in self-governance and workers’ self-management. I organize whatever I can in my local community but I’ve stopped voting (I don’t resent anyone else for voting - please do if you believe it’s useful).
When it comes to the political system in the U.S - I have opinions of course. Largely irrelevant, since I don’t live there, but I find it hard to “fix” something that wasn’t designed to be fixed in the first place. Cory alluded to it in his post, but the founding form of the union was not really intended for greater social justice, cultural realization or to allow the repressed to politically participate. It was for a small group (the political elite) to rule on behalf of wealth of the nation, and the majority’s decision-making was confined to choosing among a select number of their peers within tightly controlled elective processes.
It sort of “consensual domination” made possible by the concentration of global capital, which allows concentration of political power. I think it’s hard to fix something that was designed to sail off course. I think the better option would be to change the system.
But I don’t deny that we could make it better. Considerably so. Many of those things you list would improve and reform. But in the end it would still be the same system.
Sorry for the wall of text. Not sure if that made much sense - I hope it was somewhat coherent and not just my braincells having a spat of ADHD.
Self-host? Or use VPN to connect.
Cory, as always, “gets it”. There’s some real gems in his text - like:
Trumpism didn’t come out of nowhere – Trump is way too stupid and undisciplined to be a cause – he’s an effect.
And while I do respect his goals of reigniting the embers of American labor movement, I think I’m personally done with the current form of representative democracy. I know self-organizing autonymous communities aren’t realistic, but I think I’d rather stand outside and wait for the collapse of the status quo, than actually try to patch obviously sinking boat.
But it’s a great piece. Well worth a read.
Threatening us with good times? I think I’ll stick to Mutt.
Enterprise antivirus products have had PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) category forever. Seems its categorized as “HackTool” so not malware.
Insane in the mainframe
It’s the circle of enshittification
Wait, I thought there wasn’t going to be a sequel? Did I miss something?
TLDR in text please. Not going to spend 16 minutes watching that.
Dr. Disrespect: I’ll fucking own this problem!
Also Dr. Disrespect: Owns up to inappropriate message exchange with a minor.
“War on Clean Energy” would seem like an impossible political platform to run on in 2024, but here we are. The U.S is exceptionally special, it seems. And I don’t really mean that in a good way.
Well, that’s good. The less features the site has the better. Here’s to hoping they’ll fade to obscurity!
“the job market is so fucked up so but I’ve done a lot of open source work, here’s my Github”
Economy 2.0 is next week I think (hope!) - so this is just vanilla breakage.
The obvious recommendation is Gentoo stage1 tarball running in Windows Linux Subsystem.
(on a serious note: whatever you’re running on your daily driver)
I use Firefox on my Android to access Bluesky. It’s much better than their official app, because Bluesky notifications are hell on earth.