I tried a couple of times to make https://www.reddit.com/r/cuttingedgegaming/ happen, but never reached many people. This community seems to mostly folks playing 1-2 year old games, I wonder if there are more of us who are playing older (but not “retro”) games, particularly PC games?
My lag time depends on how soon the games are put on sale
This is the way.
I have a 20€ limit on any game I buy, it has to be something I really want at that price too, mostly I won’t pay more than 10€ per game. My one exception will be Baldur’s gate 3, I will wait for the first sale, and get it at however that much that ends up being.
I have MW2 on my Steam wishlist because I want it for the nostalgia. Got an email this last sale that it was on sale … for $20.
This is an intruiging subject. I was part of reddit’s /r/patientgamers subreddit (lurking, mostly) because it was a good place to get insight into valuable gems that I missed first time through because I didn’t have time or didn’t want to spend £60 or £70 on a brand new game, and would rather wait for a sale.
Nowadays, I generally wait for Game Pass, Ubi+, PS+ or similar to get the game. Sure, I spend on subscriptions, but the games I play if I count out the costs it’s a lot cheaper.
I do also play retro games - ‘retro’ being an ambivalent term for me, as it somehow is used pejoratively throughout the modern gaming community, which I disagree with: They’re good games, just not on modern hardware or systems - quite often. So - yeah, sometimes I lag, sometimes I’m up-to-date, oftentimes I’m on my Steam Deck so I get to play slightly older games at a high fidelity on a handheld device, which is awesome.
I’m playing No Man’s Sky for the first time. I consider myself fortunate to have missed the launch debacle.
The way most AAA launches go these days it’s the only way worth playing.
I got it a couple of years ago, but I still feel the same. The game is great!
Currentlt playing Red Dead Redemption 1 so yes I am at the +10years behind
Ugh I wish I could go back and play that for the first time again
Not only do i wish to go back but also wish to have my back back
I found out the cake was a lie circa 2020. Also with the GPU price trends the last few years, I suspect more people have become patient gamers but not by choice.
bug deprived me of GladOS’ voice when I played through Portal, so I didn’t get the cake lines until much later, from pop culture.That’s the boat I’m in. My system can’t run a lot of new games, and I can’t afford to upgrade right now.
In this year I got a PS3, an Xbox 360 and a Wii. Now I’m playing all the good games on these platforms, that I’ve never owned when they were current. It’s great!
Many of these can be emulated as well. Especially the Dolphin emulator is a beast - especially when paired with the Dolphin bar.
Just a heads up :)
That said, I have all these systems physically too.
Oh yes I know, I emulated GameCube and Wii for years, but I only have a laptop that while quite powerful heats up a lot while emulating, so since I need it for work I prefer to keep it cool and playing on the original systems allows me to do that :D also like this I don’t have compatibility problems, especially for x360 and PS3!
Just finished system shock 1 so like 20+ year old lag, I don’t really have a strong urge to play modern AAA games. I mostly just gawk at what’s popular and just play indie and old games. I also have a problem of not being able to pick up games in the middle of a series. I need to play a series from the start no matter how mad the earlier iterations are.
recommend me some 10+ year old game series uwu
I’m a big fan of Endless Ocean 2 which came out in 2009 but you need to use Dolphin to run it on PC (also torrent the disc files unless you can find a disc copy). Also it’s still the best diving game out there which is kind of crazy considering how old it is
Depends on what you like my brother.
Immersive sims like thief, system shock, deus ex are very good. System shock 1 is the least playable for normal people but the enhanced edition isn’t that bad (you can even play the remake) but the rest are very playable.
Prototype holds up pretty well though you might need pcgaming wiki to get it to run properly if you are unlucky.
Stronghold series, universe at war (not on steam), knights and merchants (with the remake patch), aoe 2 (you can get the 2013 version) though de is good and technically the same game, company of heroes are all good rts games.
Rayman 2, Rayman 3 and Tasmania Tiger if you like collectathon platformers.
somehow i didn’t get a notif when u replied & i thought u hadn’t lmao
will bookmark to try basically anything cuz i only play overwatch and it’s getting old.
Yeah I can imagine over watch mind breaking you especially with the “new” one. If you like multiplayer games rainbow six siege is pretty much the best competitive fps on the market.
finally found R6S on sale on steam and bought it lol, $2.6 for the deluxe version with argentinian pesos
Hey friend, long time no see, but yeah it’s worth about that much because you have to grind or pay for a million extra operators. My recc just either buy the meta ones or ones that look fun to play. Given that they do give you a few depending on the edition and the older ones are much cheaper in terms of in game grinding.
Sadly my laptop is making weird noises. Brrrrrrrrrrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrrtrtrtrtrtttrtr. I think the fan is filled with dust. But I don’t know how to open it without breaking it so I haven’t done it. I’m in pain.
+1 for the System Shock remake - it’s very good and quite faithful to the original. Could also look at the unity engine version of Daggerfall to start off elder scrolls. Don’t think there’s a newer version of Arena so if you wanted to start that series from the beginning it would be the DOS original. Both of those are free downloads from Bethesda’s website
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Not intentionally. But I didn’t really have a gaming system, so my work laptop was used and of course could only run old stuff.
But now I got a Steam Deck, and a lot of what I’m playing now is still old anyways (just not as old), because I didn’t have a chance to play them at the time.
I’m about to play the Bioshock trilogy for the first time in over a decade. Never played 2 and 3, only got about halfway through 1 when it came out. I’m also about 75% through Super Metroid, which I never beat as a kid. I know that’s outside of the 1-2 year window, but I love older games. Scored the Bioshock trilogy for like 15 bucks too, can’t beat that.
Oh you are in for a treat mafren… Those are some awesome games. I played through 2 on Steam and then switched to PlayStation for Infinite. I had the hardest time adapting back to controller and joystick evn though I played 1 on a controller.
Currently I’m playing MDK
What a throwback, I remember playing mdk2 when I was young and being utterly confused where to go and giving up shortly after
While the second part has better visuals, the gameplay itself is not really better. You should give the first one a try.
I remember trying that game on GOG years after it came out, having read about it and wanting it as a kid but living in an area where finding PC games was a rarity, and unfortunately it didn’t really run on modern systems.
Civvie11 did a video on it and showed that there are source ports and mods that get it running well now. I might have to give it another try.
I remember the insane parachute thing, the speculation in what it stood for (Murder Death Kill?)
I‘m playing pretty old games all the time that have been sitting in my library. I hardly even buy new ones these days cause… why? I‘m sitting on a ton already lol
Big upside: They run smooth as butter on my modern PC up to 4K even.
Me, Mainly because I was/am poor. Most old games and consoles are already cracked, or easy to do so. For example, my Dad gifted me Xbox 360 hacked. Which allowed me to purchase game copies whenever it was possible, I didn’t have internet while growing up. So my Xbox was a godsend for me.
I bought the 360 way after it’s postmortem, truly loved Red Dead, Halo OST and Alan Wake in 2016. The graphics and gameplay were still a joy
I sold it in December, I miss it
Shame, I still regret selling my N64
Have there been many cake is a lie moments recently? The only current game I quote frequently is Deep Rock Galactic, and that one is cheap enough and potato-friendly enough even for us PGs.
Oh yeah, DRG is the real deal. Not Alien: Fire Team Elite and not Back 4 Blood (of the 4-player short-mission co-op shooters out there inspired by Left 4 Dead)
Rock and Stone
I take DRG is a good game to play with complete randos? The only game I had fun doing that thus far was EDF5, because blowing up everything “by accident” is a great way to build rapport
Obviously DRG is at its best with a few friends, but playing with randoms has been pretty fun and friendly in my limited amount of random games. Communication is mostly just markers and gestures, but I assume some people use VOIP
I’m right there with you. Between work and health issues that directly interfere with physical ability to play games when they flare up, I’m often too mentally exhausted to embark on a new game, so very often end up replaying something familiar or putting time into an MMO like Elder Scrolls Online. The comfy PJs of gaming.
I’m a big fan of RPGs in particular so I want to feel fresh and ready to get immersed in a new world… But I so rarely have that level of mental and physical energy aligning at the same time now, so my backlog is ridiculous. I still need to play Mass Effect Andromeda, Persona 5 Royal (I made it decently far through the original but lost steam/enthusiasm when I kept having like every aspect of the game spoiled for me by shit like algorithmic YouTube thumbnails or comments on an entirely different game’s OST etc) Dragon Age 3 and all the Tales Of games from Tales of Xillia 2 on, and those are some of my favorite game franchises…
I just started playing Max Payne 3, which released in 2013. The game aged well, still looks great and a ton of fun.
On a related note, the Steam Deck is the perfect platform for Patient Gamers. It runs these older titles really well, and the portability + ability to suspend / resume games at any time is a game-changer (pun intended).