This is a swashbuckling superhero comedy scfi adventure.

Inspiration: The Tick, Megaton Man, Any other superhero parody

In this world:

  • Superheroes are ridiculous buffoons with quirky powers (Cactus Man, Ice Cream Sundae Avenger, Papercut Pete)

  • Villains are equally as silly and generally pathetic (Taking over the local Sears, turning everyone into teddy bears, writing their name on the moon)

  • Whenever a hero or villian does something they succeed, it’s not exactly how they intend it to succeed (Papercute Pete tries giving a henchman a papercut to drop their weapon, but the henchman instead becomes a blubbering mess because he can’t stand even the smallest amount of blood)

  • The world is incredibly fragile, buildings topple when barely impacted, cars crumple at the slightest touch, things break in spectacular fashion, natural and man-made disasters occur frequently and with devastating force.

You are a team of stupid superheroes seeking to stop The Big Squeeker from turning the city into squeaky pet toys. Already many citizens and the local police have been turned into various squeaky toys, squeaking incessantly, driving everyone batty.

Right now, the team is fighting a giant squeaky robot that is knocking over buildings and causing havoc downtown.

If you can defeat the robot it will reveal the location of the squeaky ray which is transforming the citizens into squeaky toys.

Character Creation:

  • What weird power do you have that nobody else can do?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • What crippling flaw do you have?
  • What do people call you?
  • What do you look like?

To accomplish an action:

Roll the dice and tell me a reason why you succeed, for each acceptable reason I’ll add one to your result. If you can come up with 3 or more acceptable reasons, you succeed automatically. Otherwise, roll a D6 and add 1 for each acceptable reason.

  • 6 or more: You succeed cleanly.
  • 5: You succeed at a steep cost.
  • 4 or less: You fail and things go badly for you.

Failure: Each failed roll you’ll take a condition. Each condition weakens future rolls by one.

To Roll: Use the free dice roller by /u/ linked here:

Be sure to add your character’s name and the action they are taking in the roll dialogue. Then copy the link generated to your post. For each roll copy the roll of the person who last rolled, so we can keep our rolls in the same history together.

  • wolfinthewoods@lemmy.mlOPM
    4 days ago

    The Gargantuan squeaky robot thunders through the financial district, all three hundred feet of it towering high above the downtown streets. Each footfall producing an ear-splitting SQUEAK that creates shock-waves rippling out from it. At West 2nd and 9th, the robot turns a corner and stomps straight into noon-day traffic. Cabs, buses and tiny EV cars veer wildly out off course, crashing into each other and jumping sidewalks. A cab runs off the sidewalk, overturning several hotdog carts, scattering chips, wieners and condiments across the intersection. Several flocks of pigeons swarm the food, quickly gobbling up chips and dogs as fast as their little beaks will allow, throngs of business-men in expensive suits try unsuccessfully to avoid the feeding frenzy, as too-full pigeons unleash their lose stools in white, watery torrents, causing people to slip haphazardly on the sloppily slick pigeon discharges. Avoiding the slipping, sliding, soiled throngs, a bus veers into a nearby telephone pole, ripping it from the wires above and causing it to crash to the ground. The transformer and telephone wires spark brightly, sending out their electric discharges in erratic showers across the sidewalk and street. The robot SQUEAKS onward, it’s giant rubber body undulating towards the jumbled mess of vehicles. The occupants of abandon their vehicles and flee in a panic away from the mighty form of the Squeak-bot. A lone police officer exits his cruiser and fires repeatedly at the robot, but his bullets merely bounce off of the rubber body of the robot and ricochet away dangerously, the officer dives down a nearby subway staircase, narrowly avoiding his own bullets.

    What do you do?!

      4 days ago

      "Great start to the day. Squeaky is out with his toys again, and of course, they’re still made of rubber! It’s not enough that he doesn’t use battery powered toys, his super power has to be to make toys basically immune to electricity! Honestly, it feels like the universe is playing with me! There’s sparking power cables, but where does that get me? Yeah, you know it, I know it. It ends with me stuck to the side of a giant squeaky toy. Static is a bitch! Things are so bad, I’m even talking to myself! Squeeky couldn’t even send a hench man I could banter with, instead, I’m talking to myself, whilst a big robot (A robot of all things, but a rubber one!) lumbers around, not understanding a word I’m saying.

      Fine… Fine… I’ll climb the damned robot…"

      I run over to the sparking cables and grab hold. My hair instantly stands on end, and I swear, realising I’ve forgot to pull down my goggles again, so I’m half blinded by my own glare. I pull the goggles down, and dart amongst the cars, sucking up from their batteries as I go, trying to dodge stray bullets from the cop I saw earlier. I think to myself, for the 100th time, this would be so much easier if I could actually zap people or something with all of this charge, but nope, spiky haired human cling wrap is the peak! For that matter, this would be so much easier if I wasn’t own my own! Hey, but at least no one is going to see me retching, stuck to a giant rubber robots backside!

      Waiting until the robot steps past me, I climb up on a car roof and jump, pushing myself towards the robot, hoping that I stick, but hoping I don’t as well. I hate this part so much! But this is going to work right? A quick pulse of power in to the car I’m standing on to give me a bit of repulsive push, and a rubber toy almost designed to attract static charge! What could go wrong? And if I only had a clue of what I’m going to do once I’m stuck to the robot. Well, aside from throwing up!

      Reasons I’m going to succeed: Rubber toy, static woman. Bonus boost the car battery

      Alas, I can’t post a link to my roll because the URL is so long, it breaks the lemmy character limit!

      Edit - I have saved the URL if you have a way for me to get it to you.

      And here’s a screenshot of the roll

      • wolfinthewoods@lemmy.mlOPM
        3 days ago

        Automatic success for three acceptable actions

        The warmth of the electric current pulsates and circulates within you, your hair becomes frazzled and then blooms into a giant frizz-ball. The current pushes off of the car and slings you upwards onto the robot’s thigh, the static generated makes you cling to it like an obsessive ex to their first girlfriend. The robot takes a few squeaky steps with you on it’s thigh and then noticing you, begins to hop up and down on one leg attempting to brush you off with his other foot. As this is happening you’re becoming sicker and sicker due to your horrible reaction to the static charge, and to the growing nausea you feel from the queasiness of being jostled by the giant squeaky leg. You begin to projectile vomit uncontrollably onto the street below, covering cars and fleeing pedestrians with chunks of your last meal. Some of the nearby pigeons that haven’t keyed on the overturned food carts flap down to your puke and begin furiously pecking at it, the disgusting display provoking you to vomit even more. The roadway becomes slick with your constant hurling and as the robot tries to prey you off with his foot it begins to lose it’s balance and starts to slip, careening wildly towards a nearby building and slamming into it with a loud SQUEAK. The enormous body of the robot shatters windows and rains brick down to the street from the side of the building. All the while you ride the robot’s thigh like a mouse in a tornado.

        The robot continues to lumber forward, madly trying to shake the unwanted passenger off of it’s leg. Overturning cars and smashing into a nearby fire-hydrant, causing water to gush upwards in a torrent.

        What do you do?!

        3 days ago

        She’s running straight for it, I have to help h-- where did the sun go? I look up, up and up at the monstrous squeaking robot lumbering towards me. My heart drops into my stomach, splashing a bitter taste up into my mouth. On second thought, she seems quite capable!

        “Scraw! (Isa, my friend, the land-walkers require our aid. Please help me scout the area)”, I shout nervously as I survey the scene. I’ve done this a hundred times before, but never like this. A police officer darts past me as his car is hit by a beam of light. In a flash it balloons into a puffy semblance of itself, releasing a deafening squeak. I dodge a stray bullet only to be hit on the shoulder by a glob of pigeon crap. This is chaos.

        I can do this. I note the overturned snack cart, swarming with birds. I look over to see the officer dive into a subway station. That’s it!

        I race to the overturned cart, scooping up a couple of bags of chips - salt and vinegar…not ideal but I’ll take what I can get. I squeeze both bags open, arming them like salty grenades. The unwrapped food is mostly picked over at this point, this just might work.

        “Coo! (Noble brethren, the feast commences)”, I shout as I launch the bags into a nearby alleyway. The bags hit the ground and chips spray everywhere. Hopefully this can buy me enough time.

        “Everyone, quick, in here!” I yell to the crowd, motioning to the subway station. “Caw! (Isa, what do you see?)”

        Rolling to get the crowd to safety. Modifiers: Isabella scouting above, talking to the pigeons, throwing food.

        Result: 6.

        • wolfinthewoods@lemmy.mlOPM
          3 days ago

          Those are acceptable reasons, automatic success. But, let me determine if your reasons will modify your roll next time ;)

          From high above Isabella glides over the broad avenue. She sees the street continuing on for several blocks, and then ending as the street reaches the waterfront with it’s many ships. With a loud, exultant melodic chirping she relays the information to you.

          Meanwhile, the pigeons spot the salty foodstuffs and divebomb their way into the alley, the citizens granted a momentary reprieve enough to flee towards the subway entrance. At the top of the steps the first of the crowd slips from the residual discharge on their shoes, causing the whole crowd to tumble downward like pigeon-shit covered dominoes, they ragdoll down the stairs in a churning mass of confusion.

          During all of this you see a strange woman with crazy, electrified hair and a shabbily designed black and yellow cosume fling herself upwards onto the thigh of the robot. She clings to the robot’s thigh, affixed to it like a static-y balloon to a shaggy carpet. The robot lumbers forward and then realizing his newly acquired hitchhiker begins to hop on one leg and use it’s foot to unsuccessfully brush the woman off of his thigh. As the robot does this, the woman vomits from above, slicking the street below with her sickness and attracting some of the pigeons to start eating it as it lands. The street becomes slick with her continued vomiting, causing the robot to lose balance and spinning into a nearby building, shattering windows and raining bricks across the avenue. A brick whirs wildly, narrowly missing your head and crashing into a car window.

          The robot continues to lumber forward, madly trying to shake the unwanted passenger off of it’s leg. Overturning cars and smashing into a nearby fire-hydrant, causing water to gush upwards in a torrent.

          What do you do?!

            2 days ago

            /OOC - I’ll put Wattage Woman’s reply here as well, just so the thread is easier to follow for folks after it’s all over. /OOC

            “I told you I hate this right? I was upfront about that…” I yell to the universe, glad that no one can hear me. Or maybe hoping that no one can hear me…

            I try to lift my hand from the robot for a moment, to clear some of the vomit out of my hair, but it’s not happening. I’m stuck to this disgusting thing. Have you ever had that thing where you get car sick, and you throw up everywhere, but then you can’t get out of the car just yet, because you’re on a freeway? Or is that just me? Anyway, this is like that, but worse, because the car is a roller coaster, and the doors are locked! Wait, roller coasters don’t have doors, so the car is a roller coaster, and the coaster won’t stop. And it’s covered in vomit.

            My inner monologue is disrupted, as the world suddenly lurches around me, and I find myself smoothered between two rubbery layers. Static sandwich anyone? The foot slides off, and I’m still stuck, but now, the robot is spinning and twirling, and so am I! Bricks, glass, dust, vomit, bird shit and who knows what else is flying around me, but hey, I’m still stuck to the robot, so at least I’ve got that going for me!

            Of course, it would have been nice to have a plan for what comes next. But, that’s a problem for future Wattage Woman. For now though… What happens to a squeaky toy if I clog up the squeaker and it can’t squeak anymore? Would that work? Maybe there are some giant dogs around that could come and chew this thing up? Though on second thought, maybe we skip the big dog. That sounds like a bad idea. We’ll go with the “clog the squeaker” plan

            Though now that I think about it, I don’t actually know where the squeaker is on this thing? Is it the head? It’s the butt isn’t it? It’s going to be the butt isn’t it? Well, I guess at least that’s closer than the head…

            Action: I start inch worming my way up the robots leg, towards the butt, hoping to see and reach the squeaker, looking something like a vomit covered caterpillar

            Reasons it will succeed: Static woman, rubber robot.


            • wolfinthewoods@lemmy.mlOPM
              2 days ago

              The accumulated filth cakes your hands in a putrid layer of puke and pigeon shit. You try and clamber upwards, but instead you slide sideways and wedge yourself in between the robot’s crotch, each squeaky step grinding you between both of his thighs and further marinating you in the foul concoction you and the filthy fowl have collaborated upon. There is one upside of being crotch-side, you notice that each squeaky step the robot takes comes from it’s positively charged posterior. Now if there were only some way you could disable it’s ass-squeaker…

              In your moments of reprieve from the onslaught of the robot’s squeaky thighs, you briefly catch glances of an odd man in a bird outfit, wearing a Luchadore mask that looks like a colorful tropical parrot. He seems to be directing the panicked pedestrians while flapping his feathered arms like a deranged lunatic…

              You catch him saying something, but from this high it’s garbled, indistinct, but it sounds like: “I am zing twerk!”

              In a peacock-like display, the Lucha parrot prances proudly, grabbing the robot’s attention with his puffy display. The robot trundles after the man, leading it to the waterfront. As you are smashed repeatedly by the robot’s jogging thighs, various debris begins to accumulate on you: wigs, wool socks, panty-house, until you are covered in the random accessories. Finally the robot reaches the edge of the waterfront, but stops short and in it’s sudden halting action, falls forward, dislodging from it’s crotch onto the street. You struggle to pick yourself upright. Then, with a great SQUEAK, the robot breaks an enormous wind, causing you to struggle from being blown away by the shock-wave…

              You must take action and roll to keep from being blown down the street!

              2 days ago

              “Chirp! (Isabella, thank you! The people are hurt, please see if you can help them, I’ll take care of this…thing).” My words betray my absolute panic.

              Who is she? I wonder, pausing for a second to look up at the woman scaling the giant robot. She’s so brave, and strong if she’s able to hang on like that. My goodness, she even dumped soup on the ground to help me attract the pigeons away, what a great idea!

              “Amazing work!” I call out to her. The idea that this could be interpreted as anything other than sincere praise does not dawn on me.

              Now what are we going to do. What are…what are…water. Wait, that’s it! I jump up on the nearest un-squeaky-toy-ified car.

              “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size!” Am I trying to get it to chase me, or bully Godzilla? Oh well, it sounded cool in my head.

              I take off running towards the water.

              Action: lure the robot to the pier.
              Bonuses: The area is otherwise clear of people now (+1), I am wearing the brightest, most flamboyant outfit anyone has ever seen (+1).
              I saw your note about bonuses, no worries, I’ll just do the flat roll going forward, which I’ll do right now…
              Roll: 6 (yay!)

              • wolfinthewoods@lemmy.mlOPM
                2 days ago

                The robot sees you and squeaks rapidly in what can only be aggravated annoyance. It storms after you, not noticing the waterfront blocks away. Wattage Woman has slipped into it’s crotch, and is now being smashed between it’s rubbery thighs. You notice that various debris, wigs, a pair of panty-hose, wool socks are covering her from head to toe, you can feel why: a huge amount of static is emanating off of her, making even your feathers standup on end. After a couple of blocks she locks like a giant dust-bunny affixed to the robot’s thigh.

                The robot finally sees the waterfront and tries haphazardly to come to a stop, but skids forward and falls on it’s knees. Wattage Woman falls to the ground a few feet from the kneeling robot, she looks like a large grape that has fallen into a couch crevice, her arms and legs sticking out from the debris she’s acquired.

                The robot SQUEAKS with tremendous force, creating a shock-wave outwards. You notice that the squeak erupts from the robot’s backside, more specifically it’s big rubber butt!

                You must take action and roll to resist the blast from the robot breaking wind!

    4 days ago

    What weird power do you have that nobody else can do?

    I can talk to birds, which sounds pretty good until you consider that I don’t control them or anything, so if I want birds to do something for me, I usually need to convince them first. It wasn’t a big problem in my rural Mexican hometown, because I was on friendly terms with most of the local tropical birds. The big city is a different story, and I’m struggling to build up enough street cred with the local pigeons, Canada geese, etc.

    What is your biggest fear?

    Don’t let the colorful wings sewn into the arms of my suit fool you: I’m deathly afraid of heights. This alone tends to make me the laughing stock of most birds I encounter.

    What crippling flaw do you have?

    I’m far too trusting of people, and sarcasm is like a foreign language to me.

    What do people call you?

    Despite my insistence that people call me Lorolito, most just refer to me as the weird guy talking to birds. The birds aren’t much nicer.

    What do you look like?

    I have a luchador mask with a parrot beak, and a bright spandex suit with decorative wings. My trusty sidekick is a Macaw named Isabella.

    • wolfinthewoods@lemmy.mlOPM
      4 days ago

      Fantastico! I love lucha inspired heroes. “Little Parrot” is a ncie touch. First prompt is incoming shortly, keep on the lookout in about an hour or so.

    5 days ago

    What weird power do you have that nobody else can do?

    I can drain the electrical charge from any battery and transfer it to another. Car battery? Zapped into a AA. AA? Exploding with enough juice to power a small city block for a minute. I can also absorb electrical attacks, but I really prefer not to!

    What is your biggest fear?

    Static cling. Seriously, the thought of being stuck to someone or something because of rogue electrons sends shivers down my spine. And it happens more often than I would like, especially when people start throwing lightning around!

    What crippling flaw do you have?

    I have absolutely no sense of direction. Like, at all. I can be standing right in front of the Eiffel Tower and still ask for directions to Paris. This often leads to me showing up at the wrong battles, or accidentally supercharging the enemy’s getaway vehicle. I can’t even use a compass, or GPS, because my static screws up the signal!

    What do people call you?

    Most people call me Wattage Woman, but my mom calls me “Sparky”. The Big Squeeker (and most villians to be fair) like to call me “Short Circuit.” If only he used battery powered toys, instead of chew toys, I’d show him!

    What do you look like?

    I sport a bright yellow and black spandex suit with lightning bolt accents that are slightly off-center because I sewed them myself. Think “walking caution tape”. My bright pink hair is perpetually standing on end due to all the stray electricity, and I wear oversized, bright green goggles to protect my eyes from the glare of my own powers. I’m about 5’8", with a surprisingly muscular build for someone who mostly fights household appliances.

    • wolfinthewoods@lemmy.mlOPM
      4 days ago

      Haha, amazing! I love that villains call you Short Circuit, nice touch! I’m writing the first prompt now, should be up within the hour, keep your eyes peeled ;)