I have never felt so laser-targeted by a meme in a community I’ve never seen before
Take it as a compliment, friend.
I enjoy IPAs, but it really is disappointing when you go check out a brewery and all they have are 7 IPAs, and 3 nasty ass sour fruit experiments. Give us some variety.
Especially when one of the 7 has something stupid like honey in it.
I want some good stouts that dont taste like drinking charcoal piss , our local breweries are just making IPAs cuz its known around
I just want some that are refreshing and either dry, Barrled Aged, or have natural ingredients used subtlety.
IPAs are lazy brews. Breweries want to make the next 90-Minute IPA. Personally, I like a crisp lager or amber most days.
Lagers are usually bottom of the barrel beers in my experience, but if you enjoy them its the right beer for you … i like dark beers , taste of caramelised malt cant be beaten
They are a hard beer to make right. Ipas you just toss a ton of Citra hops in and it covers everything up. Subtlety is hard.
Agreed , my buddy and i tried to make some dark beer when we were in our brewing faze and it tasted like shit lol
I like both of them. Dark lagers are good .
Nevermind “variety”, I straight-up don’t like beer that’s dominated by hops flavors.
I’ve never understood the appeal
I’m convinced it’s for people who have drunken so much alcohol that they don’t feel anything when drinking other beers.
At least that’s why I think my father loves drinking boot leather soaked in absinthe.
Thing is, where I live, it’s not like most drinkers get started on something else. Pilsener is already dominated by hops and it’s the beer here.
I can’t really explain it. I didn’t really like beer at all (and had actively tried to see if I could like it for years). A friend had me try a pineapple ipa and it was like a switch flipped in my brain. It started with IPAs and somehow now I like most beer now.
Tastes are weird.
Well kudos to you for being able to enjoy multiple styles. I like IPA’S alot nowadays but at first they all tasted like grapefruit to me.
I get some good stouts and porters where I live, though in the city it’s pretty much lager or IPA or macro.
Luckily in Maine you can find lots of other styles too but a lot of places still don’t have many options.