Classified as speed/sludge/thrash metal, these guys’ main influences are Mastodon and High on Fire. Production is a little muddy, as all sludge should be, but the vocals are pretty low in the mix and I don’t think I can hear the bass guitar lol. But I feel it’s worth a share here. Enjoy some obscure stuff!
Intriguing album cover. Cool guitar work, very memorable riffs, especially for sludge. I’m a big fan of this, adding the band to my list. I can hear the bass quite clearly on my end, though it does seem to be low frequency, not particularly elevated above the guitar, so might not be audible depending on what you are listening on. It could be a little less buried under the guitar, however.
Upon hearing it in my car while driving, everything comes through perfect, even the bass. This album is actually quite the sleeper hit as I’ve added every single non filler track to my liked playlist and that’s rare as fuck lmao.