Musk’s immense popularity due to his bold ventures and groundbreaking innovations in space exploration, electric vehicles, and artificial intelligence
founding major companies like PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla
others raised concerns about potential exaggerations or historical inaccuracies
like being the founder of those corporations or being an innovator?
I’m at least 80% sure this site is all AI spam.
The ruling class defines the art and culture.
Inheritance rich guy buys things, they are successful (due mostly to said businesses aligning with government grants he took advantage of). What a riveting story… The billionaire worship is so obnoxious and sycophantic.
He just bought Tesla, and Paypal was from his buddies Levchin Thiel and Nosek. It would not surprise me if someone else did all the founding at Spacex too.
you mean you don’t think he came up with the idea for rockets that explode on takeoff?
This is a fair point.
Not sure about founding, but the CIA did the early funding. Defense more recently.