I’m curious about how you found the experience of the band live and what your favourite track(s) were from the show?
My first show was Berlin in 2022. I hadn’t listened to the metal album before that, wasn’t even aware of it, and hadn’t been to a concert since before covid. I was absoluted floored when Self Immolate started, so that remains one of my favorite songs by them.
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Astor Theatre, Perth, 2019. Was a crazy mosh, and Crumbling Castle was incredible. They ended the show on “The Bitter Boogie” which was a really flat, confusing way to end. Overall a great gig but I still find myself scratching my head at the ending song. The other times I saw them they finished with the Mind Fuzz suite and KGLW, so can’t complain!
Red Rocks Amphitheater, Morrison, CO 10/11/22 (HBD Joey) marks the first time seeing the band live. Highlights for me included Tezeta and Leah Senior providing narration for some MOTU numbers. The band was on fire, and it was a blast!!
Me too! It was a great show and the atmosphere was superb at Red Rocks, really cool place for live shows. My favorites probably were tye Polygon suite on day 1 and MOTU on day 2.
The only downside was that you had to sit/stand in rows with no infield, but on the other hand that made it easier for me to focus more on the music than on folks around me.
REO speedwagon did short show for the middle school I was in at the time. Had no idea who they were back then as it must’ve been right before they got a label. Wasn’t bad but a school auditorium stage doesn’t allow for much beyond basic band movements
My first show was this past summer’s acoustic show in Detroit. I felt the performance was excellent except for the agro 🪛 fella and maybe Joey’s Q&A. The Thea opener was my favorite. Lil friend, Vincent’s, intro to and Nuclear Fusion was quality. I’m a fan, seeing them was fun, it’s uplifting and rewarding to see friends make everything work out in a public setting.
First time I saw them was Gashouder in Amsterdam (or as gizz called it that night, Jamsterdam) two years ago, march 23. They opened with dripping tap, and had an absolute banger of a set.
I loved them playing people vultures, but nothing beats them closing with Magma. By the end Cavs’ drum set sounded like a machine gun.
In May of last year I also saw them in Amsterdam, where they dit the live debut of Daily Blues. And I lost my shit when fhey ended with the Han Tyumi suite.
The crowd was also delightfully crazy both times, amazing experiences.
Forest Hills, during Gizztober in ‘22. black_midi also on the bill. Great stuff.