This album released for me around 1.5hrs ago! Just finished, and it is amazing. Nothing too “experimental” just Warbringer kicking ass as per usual! Instruments and playing is on point, as to be expected from this band! Despite it fitting in well with Warbringer’s usual discography, it is definitely memorable and definitely worth a (many) listens xD.
YT and Spotify links to “Cage of Air” from the album:
After a few more spins and listening to other Warbringer albums and other bands in general, then coming back to this album, I have to say it’s damn strong. The themes hold the album together like glue and it’s a fantastic message throughout about oppression from the very top of society to the bottom, from within and without lol. I honestly think this alone elevates it above Woe to the Vanquished, and it’s almost better than Weapons of Tomorrow for me right now!
Wow, I need to give it a few more spins I think.
Making a new comment to say that I fucking love that track Cage of Air. My favorite on the record by far, seems to be this album’s Senseless Life/Defiance of Fate.
Yeah, definitely my favourite. What did you think of the rest, compared to their existing discography?
Warbringer is very consistent for sure and this album is a little samey tbh outside of the singles and the favorite. Gonna spin it a few more times but I know I’m gonna keep looking forward to Cage of Air every time lol.
Edit: Neuromancer has quite a bit of death influence in it, Kevill could absolutely do other extreme genres if he wanted to. I like the start of Jackhammer, but when it slows down, idk yet. I loove the solos in Through A Glass, Darkly. Strike From the Sky is just strong throughout. Undecided on Last of My Kind.
I feel like I agree tbh. It is a strong album, as is all of their releases. Not much separates it from the rest and there weren’t any major standouts for me aside from A Better World, Cage of Air and Strike From the Sky. However, I will definitely continue to listen to all songs on the album, it is still a brilliant work of art. In summary, another solid release, on the same level as maybe Worlds Torn Asunder - brilliant, but not as stand out as Woe or Weapons or their first two albums.
Right now, Weapons of Tomorrow is still the superior release, granted this new album is barely a few days old lmao.
Fuck yea dude, been looking forward to this! Gonna definitely give it a few spins througout the coming days.