So he’s added 50% more severance (6 -> 9 months) to this round of loyalty purges, AND is snooping on employees email?
Part of me is sad, but the rest of me wants more popcorn since I can’t wait for Act 3.
mullenweg pissing you off? you should totally replace WordPress with [static blog generator using an idiosyncratic variant of markdown], i wrote it yesterday in [nightly rust/perl 4/ocaml]. It doesn’t have [list of basic blogging features] because those are wrong things to want
acausal robot god, i have sinned, i am deliberately baiting the nerds. what no this isn’t a confession it’s a brag
“comments? what do you mean, why aren’t these people just on usenet?”
@dgerard Thank you. Me and my three WordPress blogs (self hosted and one on Dreamhost) feel seen.
@dgerard oof. Too soon. Too soon.
Mullenweg’s plumbing levels of Posting Through It previously unknown to science