
Discrimination against LGBTI people undermines the human rights principles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet discrimination and violence against people in the LGBTI community are all too common. Homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and discriminatory attitudes towards intersex people remain deeply embedded in many cultures around the world.

In a human rights context, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people face both common and distinct challenges. Intersex people (those born with atypical sex characteristics) suffer some of the same kinds of human rights violations as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. They also face institutional violence within healthcare systems, with lifelong consequences to their physical and psychological health. Read more about Intersex people, Transgender people, and LGBTIQ+ women and the human rights violations they face.

All States are obligated under International human rights law to promote and protect the human rights of all persons without discrimination. Yet in many countries, laws against cross dressing are used to punish transgender people on the basis of their gender identity and expression. Additionally, in over 60 countries, discriminatory laws criminalize private, consensual same-sex relationships.

As a result, LGBT individuals are exposed to the risk of arrest, blackmail, extortion, stigma, discrimination, violence and, in at least six countries, the death penalty.