Have you been spending hours trying to pass a level? Or maybe you are completely addicted to a newly bought game. Do you have a question about a game or would like to share something else? In the Weekly Discussion Thread, you can do it all!
Please don’t forget to use the spoiler tag as soon as you start talking about a storyline.
My friends have been getting back into Monster Hunter World recently, so I decided to pick it up as well. I stopped in High Rank when I first played it, and hit Master Rank over the weekend. I’m looking forward to smacking bigger monsters with bagpipes.
I‘m actually gonna pick it up again with a friend soon! We wanna try and platinum the thing, we‘ll see how that goes. I‘ve no idea where I am, I‘m in the DLC, that‘s all I remember.
Dark Souls 3. Well I say Dark Souls 3. Reality is its Sister Friede. Over and over and over again. Stage 3 is easy to get to. But she kicks my ass in stage 3.
Trying TemTem. Palworld made me realize I never even tried TemTem!
I’m still playing PalWorld, but Cassette Beasts is on my short list now by that same logic.
Shining Force II for the Sega Genesis! I’m not very far into it yet, but it’s a good old classic JRPG.
after the wife and I put ~350hrs into BG3, we were hungering for more. We went back and played Divinity Original Sin 1/2. 1 was tough to play by modern standards but 2 definitely holds up. There seem to be a few easter eggs here and there but I don’t see any reason you’d have to play 1 to understand 2. The combat and skill system is a little different but still very intuitive once you get the hang of it and is definitely a solid recommend for anyone who wants more baulder’s gate but has already done every playthrough under the sun.
Yeah, I think D:OS2 is still a good call for people wanting more. Trying to talk my gaming partner into picking it up.
I think the first D:OS is too much of a quality-of-life nightmare at this point to recommend.
I’m soooo thankful BG3 went with the skill wheel rather than the skill bars like in DoS 1/2. The bars were a pain to try to keep organized (at least on console or playing with a controller), and I’d always forget to use skills that were on bars 3 or higher.
I guess I should have specified PC, the interfaces on PC are very similar and most of the hotkeys are the same across all 3 games which is a big plus
Ah ok I’ve only really played on Xbox, since that’s where my CRPG buddy is. Still trying to convince him to build a gaming PC. Or at least get a steam deck haha
I’m actively trying not to start up my 4th run. I beat it three times back to back. And I have a multiplayer game going. I also have a slew of partially started games. But I have to give it a break because there’s a point where it’s a hobby and there’s a point where it’s an addiction for me
I tried Last Epoch. 10 hours in and it’s the most boring thing.
Been having fun in PalWorld though
I’ve been replaying Loop Hero on the Deck. I never finished it the first time but now I can do a few loops before bed.
Other than that I’ve also been playing a heavily modded Project Zomboid. Working on building a base to fend off enemy bandit NPCs and zombies. Having to fight something that can shoot back at you has given the game new life.
Post some screenshots of your base over on the zomboid Lemmy community!
I had a good time with Loop Hero for a while, a few months after it came out. Ultimately stopped running it because it felt like I was never able to pivot mid-run if I found a great drop. Had a “what’s the point of the randomness then?” thought after that and it broke the spell for me. Don’t know if they ever made any changes along those lines.
I’ve been playing Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name and I’m in love. This feels like a perfect bridge between Yakuza 6 and Like a Dragon. The play styles for fighting feel really clean and are actually fun, compared to some of the fight styles in earlier games.
I finished up Guardians of the Galaxy this past weekend, which I enjoyed. Nothing world shattering but a solid title. I’m on a sports game kick right now, so I decided to start a franchise in Madden 23. I would have gone with 24, but it doesn’t seem to work on Linux.
Pokémon Scarlett and a mobile game called Ragnarok online. Used to play it on PC back in that day on a Korean server with my brother
Hegemony: Wars of Ancient Greece
I played it years ago when it came out and it’s still really good. It’s an indie grand strategy game with low production values but a game play loop I find very satisfying. The fact that it’s played on a realistic map of ancient Greece adds a lot of flavor and I love how the geography actually has important implications for strategy.
Valheim and Talos Principle 2, alternating
My friends finally got me to play Fortnite a few weeks ago.
I’m in too deep.
I’m level 157…
One of us. One of us.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon.
It’s like the only phone game that’s got integrity, can be put down at a moment’s notice, doesn’t rely on good controls, and is good.
I recently got Demon’s Souls up and running on my Steam Deck, it ran so well and I got totally absorbed in it playing it once through with the Blueblood sword.
This got me in the mood for more Souls-likes, so I just finished off The Surge 2.
It’s a better game than the first, more interesting combat, but suffers from similar issues to the first in long travel times, sometimes confusing level design and sometimes the combat can be frustrating.