• Conspiracy theories are older than the republic. But experts say it would be wrong to dismiss believers as simply stupid or deranged.

    That’s right. You have to dismiss them as stupid and deranged. For real though, the article makes the point that it’s more than stupidity, it’s a fear of what people can’t control that turns them to conspiracies.

    But why do they feel so out of control? Why do they not understand how anything works?

    • @GiddyGap@lemm.eeOP
      95 months ago

      Problem is that lots of seemingly regular Americans believe in some conspiracy theories to a greater or lesser extent. Having spent significant time living on both the US and Europe, I’m pretty shocked how many Americans always seem to think that someone is “out to get them.” If it’s not some random person, it’s a criminal, it’s the government, it’s the school board, it’s the gays. Anyone, really. It’s tiresome.

      • @xor@infosec.pub
        65 months ago

        well, the vietnam war was started from a conspiracy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident
        and the iraq war:
        there was a plan to stage a false flag attack by cuba, and start a war: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods
        (JFK said no… but his assassin was a lone wolf)
        the Tuskegee experiment killed about 100 people, denying them access to syphilis treatment: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study
        see also unethical human experimentation
        the NSA was illegally spying on all Americans and the entire world illegally… probably still are…
        the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act of 2006, made it legally “terrorism” to basically do any kind of animal rights activism…

        ill give you that “a secret cabal of satanic pedophile cannibal ultra-wealthy people” is a pretty sill idea…
        but yeah, im sure there’s never been any other conspiracies.

        here’s a programmer, who worked for a voting machine company, testifying about when he was asked to write a program to rig elections: https://youtu.be/5y48iHK3RP4?si=tGIVNV4WXgmaaFgh
        (i know trump lost fair and square… but there’s a lot of other elections)

        when covid first started spreading, there was a conspiracy in China to cover it up… i first learned about it from a conspiracy forum because a doctor leaked that info (he later died from covid)

        there are a shit load of conspiracies all the time… it’s basic human nature, really…
        but you can’t figure it out from clues in taylor swift’s dance routine or whatever the fuck the q-tips are going in about…

        if anything, Qanon was a real conspiracy, but just to control conspiracy theorists while making them look dumb.
        also, the term “conspiracy theorist” was invented by the CIA to, once again, make them look dumb… but it doesn’t even make sense, (almost) nobody has a job making up conspiracies… and it’s not a theory without evidence, it’s a hypothesis at best (and even then it’s probably a very very uneducated guess)
        tl;dr there’s a lot of real conspiracies…
        p.s. the ultra-rich conspiracies are actually just about stealing and hiding more money: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Papers
        oh, groups like Scientology actually do gang stalking… although it’s usually just schizophrenic people thinking it’s happening, sometimes people are out to get you…

        relevant Dead Kennedy’s song: https://youtu.be/kpoRMKXVkmE?si=vsUGbi9VkfghZd6U

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          55 months ago

          Another one nobody really talks about is the whole “UFO coverup conspiracy” which isn’t a conspiracy to cover up UFOs, but to hide military operations:

          The classic case, well-known to conspiracy aficionados, is Paul Bennewitz, a successful electronics entrepreneur in New Mexico. In 1979, Bennewitz started seeing strange lights in the sky, and picking up weird transmissions on his amateur equipment. The fact that he lived just across the road from Kirtland air force base should have set alarm bells ringing, but Bennewitz was convinced these phenomena were of extraterrestrial origin. Being a good patriot, he contacted the Air Force, who realised that, far from eavesdropping on ET, Bennewitz was inadvertently eavesdropping on them.
          Instead of making him stop, though, Doty and other officers told Bennewitz they were interested in his findings. That encouraged Bennewitz to dig deeper. Within a few years, he was interpreting alien languages, spotting crashed alien craft in the hills from his plane (he was an amateur pilot), and sounding the alert for a full-scale invasion. All the time, the investigators were surveilling him surveilling them. They gave Bennewitz computer software that “interpreted” the signals, and even dumped fake props for him to discover. The mania took over Bennewitz’s life. In 1988, his family checked him into a psychiatric facility.

          Paul Bennewitz died in that facility, still paranoid. Our government broke that man, a veteran, with a conspiracy.

          It makes it hard for me to enjoy the X Files knowing all the suffering caused by its origin.

          • @skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de
            35 months ago

            in defense of air force, this was pretty funny

            (and also rather simple and self-sustaining way of diverting attention away from then top-secret projects that resulted in wonders of engineering like B-2 or F-117)

          • @xor@infosec.pub
            15 months ago

            damn, they gas lighted him…

            im still with David Grusch and believe there’s been real ufo encounters…
            but it doesn’t surprise me they’d use the public interest in that another way…

    • @lennybird@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      In my experience it seems more effective to counter conspiracies with laughter and mockery than dismantle it. Which may sound strange since it sounds intuitive to counter a falsehood with truth or reason… But disproving takes far more effort than the original conspiracy theory, and that’s how these things get out of control. But laughing it off, mockery, and general comedy takes less time and still gets the message across to bystanders.

      On the flip-side I do agree doing it wrong can send them deeper into the hole because at its core it’s about a sense of community, and everyone has issues with ego and self-esteem clouding better judgment. It’s just the circumstances these people are in, well, it makes them far more vulnerable to grifters preying on their ignorance, lack of time, lack of education, etc.

      • Definitely! There some things in society that are harmful to the public, antisocial, breaches of the social contract–such as being unvaccinated, not washing your hands after taking a huge dump, or spreading conspiracies–but which are not illegal or redeemable in tort, things for which the remedy is public shaming.

    • fiat_lux
      5 months ago

      Is it possible that millions of people who lack the critical evaluation skills to determine when they’re being scammed are victims of malicious grifters instead of just being people who are to be dismissed? And is it possible that lacking intellectual and cognitive skills is a disability and we should approach disability with empathy?

      When you relegate people to the “stupid” and “deranged” categories, you dismiss them as people capable of learning skills (even if they haven’t already for skills that are considered “basic”) or possessing any other valuable skill that contributes. Dismissing them also shifts the responsibility from the people who are trying to take their money and radicalize them for their own ideological purposes.

      The people trying to exploit others are the ones we should be condemning.

        • fiat_lux
          15 months ago

          Thanks for understanding and being willing to entertain a different perspective! I’m glad I could help.

          Whenever I catch myself wanting to call someone or their actions stupid, I consider whether telling a 5 year old child that they’re stupid has ever helped them learn (good) lessons, and whether calling them stupid is a better teaching strategy than rewarding positive behavior. Research suggests that killing someone’s self esteem isn’t great for learning, especially pro-social behaviors, so it’s probably also not a great first choice for whatever situation I’ve run into.

    • @RainfallSonata@lemmy.world
      25 months ago

      They feel out of control because they ARE being exploited by systems that are designed to obscure the fact. They don’t understand how anything works, because those systems have replaced their education with propaganda.