South Korea is expanded, which reduces the appearance of disparity. Germany has an extra 10 years. But despite those issues the data is still compelling.
I wouldn’t call it well visualized. Is looks like it’s measuring the same data in each graph, which is extremely misleading because “liberal” and “conservative” have very different meanings in each country’s politics.
I don’t know about beautiful data. That’s scary data :/
It’s only beautiful in that is well visualized. The data itself is scary.
The graps don’t represent the same amount of time while they are there for comparison. I wouldn’t call that well visualized.
South Korea is expanded, which reduces the appearance of disparity. Germany has an extra 10 years. But despite those issues the data is still compelling.
I wouldn’t call it well visualized. Is looks like it’s measuring the same data in each graph, which is extremely misleading because “liberal” and “conservative” have very different meanings in each country’s politics.
Do you know a community that fits?
Nah, here is fine, the data is presented beautifully.
Except the time frame is shifted for each graph
+1 this. This community isn’t about agreeing with the data, it’s about how it’s presented
No no, that’s not what I meant. I wasn’t trying to have a go at you. It fits here perfectly. I was just upset at the trend it was showing :\
The data is beautiful, it’s the implications that are ugly