Commentary: Longtime former Republican on Patrick Deneen and the demise of the conservative intellectual

      01 year ago

      If you can just hijack any and all “good” policies as inherently progressive then you’re just a self-fuelling fire who wants to hate conservatives no matter what.

        1 year ago

        I wouldn’t be crediting them with enacting good policy if it wasn’t progressive.

        If you can show an example of opposing progress that is good I’m all in on that conservative policy.

        The ESA was not good because it maintained the status quo. It was good because it was progressive. The fact that it was implemented during a conservative presidency is irrelevant.

          71 year ago

          May I also just add, that for his example he had to go, 60 years into the past…

          My entire lifetime, the GOP has simply don’t nothing that has helped the average Joe. It’s always hate based culture wars, tax cuts and protect guns. That’s it.

          They provide zero solutions for anything. And if you do try to provide a solution, which inevitably will have painful parts to it because fixing things is hard, they blast propaganda how you’re anti American. They are just not interesting in governing.

          -11 year ago

          You’re buying in too much to the branding of big-P Progressive. The EPA, and environmental protections, are inherently little-c conservative positions.

          Not everything that is good is Progressive, and not everything Progressives want is good, or even intelligent. Rent control, as one very basic example, doesn’t work, and yet Progressives across America push it.