there’s no meme, no spiel, that’s it.

              5 months ago

              So a pride march in Jerusalem is just as safe as one in Gaza, except the one in Israel has more political willpower behind it to attract and maintain the goodwill of the west? Yeah I’d agree with that.

                  25 months ago

                  What part is confusing to you?

                  Israel and Palestine both have violent homophobic religious extremists.

                  Israel gets money hand over fist from the West by being the “good” country in the Middle East. Palestine does not.

                  Since the West now finds treating gay people as subhuman to be passé, Israel has a vested interest in maintaining the appearance of being somewhat less violently homophobic than their neighbors, even if it means they need to pay 1 armed guard for every 6 marchers.

                  This doesn’t make Israel free of violent homophobia or even gay friendly. The fact they need that many guards underlines how dangerous it is to be queer in Israel in general.

                  All of which is incidental to the fact that bigotry doesn’t make bombing hospitals and children alright.

                    15 months ago

                    The fact they even have a pride march shows they are vastly better than their neighbours. Stop going to bat for people who despise you.