Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has scared off millions of dollars worth of business from his state with his extremist, bigoted agenda.

  • JaysynOP
    1 year ago

    That doesn’t even make any sense. As long as you have airport access, geographics barely matter to a convention that is held indoors.

    If you want warm weather, beaches & real theme parks within driving distance & cheaper than California & Hawaii, Florida is (was) the place to go.

    • @Fylkir
      11 year ago

      As long as you have airport access, geographics barely matter to a convention that is held indoors.

      It matters a lot when you consider that air travel costs time and money. Assuming someone’s not profiting in some way off the convention (either as a vendor at a fan convention or networking at a business convention), distance matters a whole lot to their choice to go to that convention. If it’s a fan-con and not a super niche one, people will simply go to their nearest con unless given a compelling reason to go to Florida.

      On the anime con side of things, Florida’s largest con is Metrocon with a paltry 10000, which would be the 3rd or 4th largest convention in a state like Illinois.