The Atlantic: Nobody Knows What’s Happening Online Anymore. Why you’ve probably never heard of the most popular Netflix show in the world.::undefined

  • Snowstorm
    146 months ago

    I don’t know how many are like me who almost doesn’t watch tv shows at all. I tried to watch a few but at best it’s quite mediocre to me compared to a good movie, and they are too long for my like. Nowadays I only watch movies, or read books, besides playing games. I don’t know how much I’m considered a weirdo today for not watching tv shows at all.

      96 months ago

      Where as I’m the converse, all I watch is tv these days. Will watch 10 movies a year, if that. I long the longer and stronger connection I can form with the characters over a tv season. And I did they can tell more elaborate stories with the longer time compared to a movie. Different strokes for different folks though.

      6 months ago

      Don’t worry, I watch neither TV shows nor movies. I would just rather do something else with my time, like programming stuff, learning something new, and playing video games. If I am stuck with nothing to do I will watch something on YouTube. I think I would rather watch content made by real people instead of studios if that make sense.