• Doug Holland
    3287 months ago

    I will try to hold back too many profanities, but it’s seriously FUCKED UP that anyone but this woman and her doctor know that she’s pregnant, with a doomed fetus, and needs an abortion, and it’s FUCKED UP that anyone gets to overrule her decision, and it’s FUCKED UP that she has to flee the state during an obviously traumatic time, and it’s FUCKED UP that the FUCKERS will vilify her now, hell maybe even prosecute her, and it’s FUCKED UP that making a difficult time much more difficult is “good politics” in the state of Texas, which, by the way, is an utterly FUCKED UP place.

    • @yenahmik@lemmy.world
      1497 months ago


      I should not know her name. I should not know her intimate personal details.

      She should have been able to mourn her loss in private with her loved ones. Not on the national stage as an example. She should not be at risk of prosecution because of this unfortunate situation.

      • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
        47 months ago

        I should not know her name. I should not know her intimate personal details.

        Good news! You don’t know the names of the thousands upon thousands of other women and girls in similar positions who don’t have the resources or skin pigmentation to be able to bring a case against the state or make headlines like this.

        Oh wait, that’s maybe not such good news…

    • @negativenull@startrek.website
      817 months ago

      What is worse is that, as she at least has means/options (to hire a lawyer, to leave the state, etc), many woman do not.

      Can I repeat that it’s FUCKED UP!

      • HonkyTonkWoman
        647 months ago

        It’s also pretty FUCKED UP that she was cleared for the procedure by one judge, giving her a glimmer of relief, only to have that snatched back by the Texas Supreme Court like 2 days later.

        This whole situation & every lawmaker involved is proper fucked.

    • @Buffalox@lemmy.world
      427 months ago

      These extreme right wing fanatic religious nuts, are the ones that make me doubt humanity will make it past a few generations more.

      • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
        37 months ago

        It will if we don’t let them get away with this.

        Protests do work. There are more of us than them, and we don’t have to passively let them do this to us.

        • @Buffalox@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          This anti abortion thing is a symptom of a larger problem IMO.
          Trump actually has a chance of winning! Think about it! The narcissist psycho Donald Trump, a proven criminal and traitor, actually has a chance of winning the next presidential election!
          Russia has gone completely fascist and anti humanitarian, invading a peaceful democracy for seeking closer ties to EU and NATO.
          Slovakia recently elected a Russia friendly government.
          Netherlands elected a fascist government. Who helps Putin, and wants Netherlands out of EU and NATO.
          Italia elected a fascist leader last election.
          Hungary and Bulgaria are actively undermining EU and try to block aid to Ukraine, and want “better” relations with Russia.
          Argentina together with much of south America is turning extreme right again. Almost as iof they want their old military dictators back.
          China under Xi is trying to dominate Asia including militarily in the China sea now, their rhetoric regarding Taiwan is becoming ever more aggressive. and Xi has gained powers in China comparable to what Putin has done in Russia.

          The optimism after the Berlin wall fell, has turned into a nightmare, where instead of freedom spreading east, fascism is now spreading west.
          At least Poland took a minor step back towards normalcy, and prevented the “Law and Justice” party from forming government again.

          Of course this could begin to turn around, especially if Putin and Xi loses power somehow. That could end a huge catalyst towards fascism in the world.

    • This reply not only utilized the word fuck effectively, but also really had no other choice as it is, just so utterly Fucked up. No wonder there is a brain drain going on right now in Texas. I would want to leave too.

    • 🐍🩶🐢
      47 months ago

      Been saying this for days. Her whole life, her children, friends, family; exposed to these crazies. Every bit of spite will be directed at them. It may not even be safe for them to live there. Her husband. His job? All fucked. Who knows how long it will take for this shit to blow over and still be left with the tragedy of needing healthcare, losing a wanted child, and being punished for it.