A few year back, there was a Netflix documentary about flat earther. They’ve done a couple of experiment to prove that the earth is flat which (Spoiler alert) demonstrated that the earth is round.

So now that these persons have demonstrated scientifically that the earth is round. How are they doing ? Still flat-earther ? or did they give up with the amount of evidence they collected ?

  • @cogman@lemmy.world
    138 months ago

    It’s mostly a religious belief. There are a couple of Bible verses that say things like “the earth will be rolled up like a scroll” and “spread to the four corners of the earth”.

    Biblical literalists cannot handle the Bible being incorrect about anything, so it’s everyone else that’s wrong.

    • @jandar_fett@lemmy.world
      38 months ago

      Much easier to rearrange reality to fit your perception rather than alter your perception and admit that you’re possibly wrong.