• @crapwittyname@lemmy.ml
    48 months ago

    I hope you’re right. The opposition haven’t indicated they’re going to rescind anything yet. They’ve shuttled so far to the right in the last three years in a successful effort to woo the disillusioned “centrists” that it’s really hard to get a grip on where they stand ideologically. All that can be said is they will do anything and say anything if they think it will get them more votes, and they won’t commit to anything which might upset the centrists.

    • Echo Dot
      8 months ago

      The law is designed in such a way that it’s basically a noose around the government’s neck. It will cost an absolute fortune to actually enforce, everyone will hate it, it will achieve nothing because it’s fundamentally unworkable, it probably violates human rights, and it makes businesses wary of operating in the UK reducing collectible taxes.

      It’s no mistake that this be law is being implemented now rather than 16 years ago when the Conservatives first got into power. If they thought they had even the barest hint of actually being in power after the next election and have to deal with the consequences of their decisions they wouldn’t have been enacted this law.

    • @Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi
      28 months ago

      Even in Corbyn’s Labour they weren’t willing to pull the over-reaching surveillance laws. IIRC Corbyn said he wasn’t going to pull the Snooper’s Charter / Investigatory Powers Act. Actually, if I recall the Lib Dems were the strongest opposition to the Snooper’s Charter in 2017.

      I’m so hoping they or the Greens say something.