Title is pretty much it. Woke up this morning to an email in the inbox with a reddit message notification from u/reddit

Your account has been permanently suspended for breaking the rules.

The thing is not only have I not been on reddit since the protest (barring google searches while not signed in on a private browser, for specific questions unfortunately), but it’s a lurker account. I have one post from a year ago asking a question, then a few sporadic comments with the last being in April.

I suppose the breakup with Reddit is a mutual thing now lol. Just a very strange scenario.

  • abff08f4813c
    71 year ago

    I don’t think the scraping is the full reason. I was not on lemmy/kbin or any other part of the fediverse and I still got this random permaban, in fact it happened before the pricing changes were announced on May 31st.

    Also, my username there is different to what I’m using on the fediverse.

    Prior to being permabanned I also never used the API for anything. Only used it for the scripts to wipe my account clean (so being permabanned doesn’t typically prevent one from creating the API tokens or actually using the API, it seems).

    • dismalnow
      1 year ago

      Well that rules out (most) of the malicious possibilities. What we’re left with is probably either Hanlon’s razer, or something you commented about spez.

      If it’s the latter, the four accounts I nuked are still alive.

      • abff08f4813c
        21 year ago

        Sadly, it wasn’t the later. I never mentioned spez and didn’t even know what the CEO’s name or username was until the blackouts (i.e. after i got permabanned).

        • dismalnow
          1 year ago

          VPN? They have this half-baked user “reliability” rating system that they claim “identifies known alts”.

          Which is marketingspeak for “we log ips,” I think. If they did that as poorly as everything else, it’s possible they think you’re the last guy to use that vpn before you.

          Also… sorry for grilling you. Just curious.

          • abff08f4813c
            21 year ago

            Never used VPN, had a couple of active throwaways and those were not caught either. Oddly the message is “all your accounts” as in plural but it was only the one account.

            • dismalnow
              11 year ago

              Thanks again.

              Guess we’re back to Hanlon. Probably a buggy, hastily written script by a jr dev, or worse… they’re doing this manually based on a spreadsheet tracker.