Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), who chairs the Armed Services Committee, told reporters Thursday after a closed-door House GOP meeting that he wants Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) to tell Republicans what concessions they’ll have to make for Democrats to help them elect a speaker—underscoring the chaotic race to find a new House leader as Republican options grow short to overcome an intraparty impasse.

    101 year ago

    Why not just boot the MAGAs out of the party? I mean, Rogers called the MAGAs “traitors,” which suggests there is little room for compromise. Traitors should be booted from the party and forced to sit as independents. Then, the centrist GOP establishment should elect a moderate Dem as Speaker and tell their voters that the GOP will never be able to form another majority if they continue to elect MAGA radicals. This will either split the party or help them return to contender status.

    Yes, obviously, that would end the GOP’s majority this term, but failing to deal with the MAGAs will be worse for the GOP in the next election, and the one after that. The more centrist Republicans must be starting to see that by now.

    I say all this as a left-wing voter, but at the same time, I recognize that all governments need a credible opposition. It is unhealthy to just keep electing the same party forever. All leaders and governments get stale and entitled and need to be replaced.

    • lettruthout
      41 year ago

      Traitors should be booted from the party and forced to sit as independents.

      That’s an interesting idea, not expulsion from Congress but from the caucus. There are examples of independents voluntarily joining a caucus, but in my quick research I’m not seeing where a caucus has even asked a member to leave, much less thrown them out.

      'Hope this can/will happen.

        1 year ago

        They wont expel them because it may literally create a viable 3rd party at their right flank.

        Not one they could join, and not one that they could control, one just large enough to prevent the GOP from ever controlling anything again.

        Sounds great, honestly, but likely not to them.