The first computer I ever worked on had 8KB of core memory. It was an old Digital Equipment Corporation pdp-8/e. I loved that machine and its open face tale drives and teletype with paper tape punch and reader and card reader.

  • MapleEngineerOP
    31 year ago

    That’s awesome! I have a MicroVAX-II that hasn’t been powered up for about 20 years. I want to replace the power supplies and see if I can get it up and running at some point. Future project.

    • robocord
      21 year ago

      MicroVAX-II was the first “real” computer I ever used, professionally. It started me down the VMS road in the late 1980s. I didn’t pick up the One True Religion of Unix until 1998.

      Finally had to take VMS (and COBOL) off my resume about 15 years ago to stop all the calls from desperate headhunters trying to keep ancient systems on life support.