• leaskovski
    49 months ago

    Who’s to say that papa stroll isn’t forcing him to race?

    Wouldn’t surprise me if he doesn’t get paid for his ride and the budget is blown for alonso

    • WatTyler
      79 months ago

      I do very much get the impression Lance is pressured by his Dad to keep racing. I can’t imagine that Lance is being compromised for Nando though. Lawrence’s dream has always been for his son to be WDC, so I imagine Lance’s car is on-parity with Nando’s.

      I can’t imagine he gets paid nothing. I’ve always presumed he gets a nominal salary. Regardless, Lance is going to always be unfathomably wealthy unless his Dad cuts him off completely, which I presume wouldn’t happen. Even if he was cut off, Lance now has the experience and the contacts to make a large amount of money independent of his Dad.