• Fuck off with this shit dude. We had a revolution to tell the Russian stooges to GTFO. You don’t get to gaslight a people for the choices they made. Your bias is showing моска́ль.

    Don’t bother responding.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      -210 months ago

      I’m not responding to you, but to other people reading the thread. You had a far right coup that US ran, and that’s just a basic fact. Now, your coup regime is destroying your country because US wanted to weaken Russia. Now that the regime is running out of people to throw into the meat grinder they might even come for your dumb ass. One day you’re shit posting on lemmy and the next you’re in a trench getting blown up by artillery so that Raytheon stock can go up a few points.