I tried Win11 about 3 months after the initial release. That was a mistake.

Some of my wares of the seven seas did not run properly (like asassins creed valhalla), and there were performance issues when gaming. So I rolled back to Win 10.

Any fellow sailors out there daily driving 11? Have the big bugs been ironed out yet? Any glaring issues?

  • @Steinsprut@szmer.info
    31 year ago

    I’ve been daily driving it since release, I don’t recall any Win11 specific issues that happened to me, did a reinstall once due to CPU upgrade

    Had to do some of my own tweaking of course, like removing that dumb new right click menu, but it just works.

    idk, I guess I like being an early adopter, switched to Win8 even before 8.1 came out

    5800X3D and 4070 (1070Ti initially) btw

    • piratOP
      11 year ago

      Glad you didn’t seem to run into any big issues. The biggest one for me was an FPS issue where some games would get locked into running at around 45 fps. It really messed up the experience playing competitive shooters like Overwatch.