• @BellaDonna@mujico.org
    411 months ago

    I think it’s not as left leaning as Reddit. I see a lot of disagreement with leftist ideas, more liberal or libertarian ideals are what I see the most. It’s been refreshing to see the diversity, Reddit was an echo chamber of pure leftist values and that’s not an accurate cross section of discourse and range of ideas.

    • SanguinePar
      311 months ago

      I didn’t think Reddit was (or is) quite aels echoey as that. Lots of left wing views (or what passes for left wing in the States anyway) but plenty of people arguing against it in my experience.

      Mostly though ,it was just a very silly place. And all the better for it.

      • @BellaDonna@mujico.org
        211 months ago

        I’m sure that my perspective is a little influenced by the specific subreddits and communities I read, but overall Reddit still had an extreme auth left tone, whereas six years ago it was still primarily libleft, with a lot of classic liberal ideals.

        This has also mirrored larger cultural shifts in English speaking countries.