One of the primary purposes of the police is to be able to break labor uprisings. This is so wrong and should be prevented in the strongest way possible. What do you all think? Is the U.S. constitution able to restrict police?

People from outside the U.S., what do you think of this type of idea?

    21 year ago

    Contractors can and do leave people with their water shut off and their electrical ripped out if they are not compensated sufficiently for their work. What the unions did is no different. All the business had to do is sufficiently compensate the workers to avoid the problem.

    • sj_zero
      01 year ago

      There’s a difference between leaving a job undone and leaving a job in a situation that’s going to cause damage. Contractor might leave the water off, they’re not going to leave the water on filling up a basement that doesn’t have any drainage.

        21 year ago

        They returned the cement trucks to the yard and left the drums turning. The owner had plenty of time to prevent damage. The strikers could have just parked the trucks wherever and turned off the drums so they solidified immediately. The owners got off lucky that they just wasted a bit of concrete. It’s no different than cooks walking off the line and the restaurant dealing with food spoilage because of it.