Reddit CEO Steve Huffman said he wants to end user-led protest by instituting a rule that would allow users to vote out moderators who have overseen the protest. NBC News’ David Ingram shares the latest.

  • saegiru
    311 year ago

    Man, it’s an absolute shitshow over there. The only thing holding people there, much like Twitter, is their addiction. I admit I miss it, but continuing to use these services sets such a bad precedent. I wish there were some better way to show people how much better the Fediverse is and how it keeps asshats like Huffman and Musk from making shit decisions for everyone else.

    • garretble
      51 year ago

      I went to Reddit today for the first time this week, and it just feels hostile. Even more hostile than before. There are all these people seemingly excited that the 3rd party apps are going away, and people mad that some subs are gone without taking a few moments to understand why.

      Normally Reddit is just a pile of people arguing at each other, and now it feels like a pile of people angrily yelling at each other. Who wants to really hang out in that environment?

      • BlackstonePi
        31 year ago

        I also noticed that the site has become more and more negative and sour over the years.

        • FaceDeer
          31 year ago

          Yeah, the only places I’ve really enjoyed engaging in comment threads are the smaller subreddits. Big ones are frustrating and tiresome at best, actively abrasive at worst.

          Perhaps the massive fragmentation that we’re starting to see in the Fediverse could be a blessing in disguise, keeping instances from becoming “too big.”

        • Verity_kindle
          21 year ago

          That’s Huffman, though, he’s getting more negative and sour with every interview. over the last two weeks. The one with the The Verge is revealing of a bitter and reflexively defensive mindset. He’s ready to sell all that data to train AI/Skynet and grab his golden parachute. No one’s getting in his way, not even own marketing VP on the Verge phone call.

        1 year ago

        A lot of people on reddit are addicted to content. I realized this after watching people get so vitriolic in their fandoms. Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Marvel, Lord of the Rings - these are just the examples I know because I was around those circles - they all have had a point where they made something a lot of people on reddit didn’t like. And instead of acknowledging that it just wasn’t that great, people got nasty over it.

        People on reddit are very defensive of their vices and points of view, and they feel very self-justified

    • SirD_P
      51 year ago

      couldn’t have said it better myself. fuck that dispicable cunt Huffman. haven’t peeked at reddit since the start of the blackouts and hope I’m strong enough to stay away

    • FaceDeer
      21 year ago

      Yeah. I have previously said that my personal redline is the removal of old.reddit, but it seems like they’re actively probing around to find other redlines I hadn’t even considered.

      For many, many years people have been wanting some way to deal with “abusive” or “rogue” mods. Guess all it took was for the “abusiveness” to be aimed at the Reddit admins rather than the plebian users.

    • FrostBolt
      11 year ago

      The only thing holding people there, much like Twitter, is their addiction. I admit I miss it

      I feel that too, though I’m heartened to see tens of thousands of people joining here, and already it’s feeling lively. Just yesterday I asked a random question of the m/scifi (no idea how to link to magazines heh) and it’s gotten half a dozen replies :-D