Yeah, both sides amiright?

  • capital
    11 month ago

    They’re pretending there was some other possibility besides Harris or Trump.

      31 month ago

      The future is always an open question, my friend. And Harris always had the ability to change her stance.

      • capital
        01 month ago

        I’ll bet you any amount of money that the next president is either the Dem or Rep nominee.

        I repeated this over and over before the 2020 election. No one took me up on it.

        I repeated it over and over again before the most recent election. No one took me up on it.

        And no one will take me up on it for 2028 either because we all know what’s going to happen. So let’s stop pretending like we don’t.

          11 month ago

          I’m not going to bet against you because I don’t trust you, and also because I don’t bet money on politics. We are already betting various aspects of our lives. Putting a little bit of cash on the line is a waste of time compared with everything else.

          So I guess you win the argument? Not really though, because no one cares about what you’re saying you want to bet against people around you. In reality, you can play the odds, but in the end we don’t care what the odds were. We only care what actually happened, and we don’t know what’s going to happen on account of it not having happened just yet.

          And the other point is that I don’t care what the political party of the president is. I care what the president and their supporters try to push through in terms of policies. Not all Democrats are created the same. Not all Republicans are created the same. And even if they were, which they’re not, politicians and political parties adjust their stances over time, because of course they do, because that’s natural. A label is just a label.

          • capital
            01 month ago

            I’m not going to bet against you because I don’t trust you, and also because I don’t bet money on politics.

            But also because you know I’m right. Please stop pretending like you don’t know that. Save some amazing and very welcome change to our electoral system, you know damn well I’m right.

            because no one cares about what you’re saying you want to bet against people around you.

            It’s not really about the bet or money. It goes to show that we all know what the outcome will be. People pretend to believe some other outcome is possible, likely even. But when presented with a bet they back off immediately. Why? Because we all know.

            and we don’t know what’s going to happen on account of it not having happened just yet.

            I’m doing too well in my predictions over these past few elections for it to be a coincidence. I know exactly what’s going to happen and so do you. That or I have powers of foresight for a very particular event…

            And the other point is that I don’t care what the political party of the president is. I care what the president and their supporters try to push through in terms of policies.

            Sure… I guess? When it comes down to it, I also don’t care which party wins as long as the candidate aligns with me politically. That’s not news. But you know as well as I do that a Republican is much less likely to give me a public option, real action on climate, institute policies to encourage walkable cities, or any of the other policies I imagine you and I align on. Why pretend like any of them is remotely possible from the Republican side?

              128 days ago

              Please predict as much as you want. But look, offering fake bets online is classic snake oil sales. It’s neither clever nor eye opening. But I guess you’re having fun, so do whatever makes you happy.

    • Exactly. For a country with as many mass shootings as we see we are a soft country. People strap bombs to their chest to achieve less toward their own goals. These brats think major change will happen in a year. The reality is that if you want major change you got to accept that it is unlikely to happen out life times.