So I’ve been having an issue on the web interface where my feed just constantly loads new posts if I’m sorting by all. And by constantly, I mean faster than one every second. It’s to the point where All is unusable because things move down the page faster than I can read or click on them.

Is anyone else having this issue?

Edit: Apparently it’s a known bug they plan to address. Thanks for the replies everyone!

  • jgrim of Sublinks
    61 year ago

    It’s a bug in the current front end. They are about to release version 0.18, which fixes this. I have a beta site setup on my instance if you want to check it out.

    There have been several folks creating new front-ends from scratch. I think there will be a lot of improvement very soon.

    • GhostCowboy76
      31 year ago

      Isn’t it great, we are in the early stages and get to see the progress unfold!

        • tal
          21 year ago

          The last time I did a major forum jump was from Slashdot to Reddit, many years back. Reddit was extremely new then, had a tiny number of users, just one page, much more limited than what things are like on the Fediverse now. Just about everyone was talking about startups or programming or Paul Graham, stuff associated with Reddit internals. But it had that kind of excitement too.