• @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    101 month ago

    It’s not really a word

    Since it’s used to convey meaning using letters and people understand that meaning, it by any definition that matters IS a word.

    Also it clearly implies something is inherent to “Caucasians”

    No. “Particularly Caucasians” ≠ “all Caucasians”.

    I can’t be bothered to do any clever wordplay on the other supposed racial categories

    Good, because that would likely be punching down, unlike pointing out how audacious some white people are with their privilege.

    but I suspect any equivalent puns might be considered a little problematic, what what?

    No, they wouldn’t be equivalent. Pointing out white privilege and criticizing those that wield it as both a sword and a shield is not the same as making fun of less privileged people or even white people who are aware of and don’t exploit their privilege.

            • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
              -31 month ago

              No? Isn’t the whole idea that it’s okay to say things about white people that it isn’t okay to say about other races?

              • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                1 month ago

                Nope. The idea is that it’s okay to say things about white RACISTS that it would make no sense saying about any other people, white or not.

                “White racist” isn’t any more a race than for example “black embezzler” or “Japanese bigamist”

                • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                  -21 month ago

                  Ok, so if I say “man these Black criminals are ruining our city”, then it’s alright to backpedal when confronted and say “oh obviously I only meant specific Black people”?

                  Or, different example in the same sphere. Is it okay for a Black person to be racist against white people?

                  • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                    11 month ago

                    I’ve had it with your ridiculous strawmen. I’ve told you what you need to know (that white people aren’t inherently racist and it’s therefore not racist to call out racism, including racism specific to white racists) and you keep trying to twist it into something it’s not.

                    I don’t know if you’re a racist yourself, if you’re just a pedant, or if you really believe that you have a valid and important point, but you don’t. Not even close.