• eggmasterflex
    6 months ago

    I don’t follow the Bible and I agree with you. Just pointing out the same hypocrisy from the other side of the equation.

    Also, I would argue it would be a very good thing for those who do follow the Bible to selectively follow the parts that say to be nice to people, help those in need, don’t hurt or steal from others, etc. even if it is hypocritical.

    • @Chr0nos1@lemmy.world
      26 months ago

      I would argue that there’s no longer a reason for religion to exist, but at the same time, as long as it’s not being pushed on those around them, or harming others, I generally just ignore it. It’s absolutely possible to be a good and kind person, who isn’t religious at all. It does bother me though, that people claim that their religious text is unadulterated from the original, and quote it to others as a way to tell them they are bad, and should change their ways, while ignoring anything that’s inconvenient to what they want to pretend their religion is. All 3 of the Abrahamic religions pretend they are about peace and love, but if you read their respective religious texts, there are multiple calls to violence, killing, slavery, misogyny, racism, etc, all of which most of them pretend they are against. Their religions are based on violence and hate, while they pretend they are following a loving god. I grew up in a very religious household, my dad being a pastor, but if you actually pay attention, they’re shit religions, who are based on some pretty awful things. I wish more of the people who embrace the Abrahamic religions would actually pay attention to how awful they are told to be, and realize how bad it is. So many wars and conflicts could be avoided if people realized they were just following violence based on a belief of a non existent deity.