I wish Linux would quit hiding things that don’t need to be hidden. For example, your Steam directory should not be hidden, but it usually is. Hidden directories should be reserved only for things that can fuck up your system if you modify them.
I wish Linux would quit hiding things that don’t need to be hidden. For example, your Steam directory should not be hidden, but it usually is. Hidden directories should be reserved only for things that can fuck up your system if you modify them.
There needs to be a constitutional amendment that says that presidents can’t pardon themselves, family members, or anyone that worked for them.
I hate this discourse that what Joe did is okay because Trump did something similar. Trump did a lot of horrible things. That doesn’t make it okay for the next schmuck to come along and do the same thing. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I shouldn’t have to explain this to people.
If your bank is charging you for having a low balance, then you need to change banks. There’s tons of banks and credit unions out there out there that don’t have a minimum balance fee. Some banks won’t even charge you for overdrafting. Stop being loyal to a company that goes out of its way to screw you over.
Windows has spell checking and autocomplete that works in pretty much any app and I think it works really well. I often find that I can type sentences a lot faster in Windows.
A lot of times you won’t know what needs attention until you’ve lived in the house long enough. Not everything is immediately obvious.
Don’t let any contractors into your house until you’ve lived there for at least a few months, and learn how to recognize high pressure sales pitches from them. They’ll take advantage of you if you don’t. Always get more than one quote. If you’re as much as tell them you’re getting multiple quotes, they’ll start lowering their prices pretty dramatically.
Examples of high pressure sales tactics:
They’ll insist that your spouse be home during the demonstration. That’s red flag number one.
They’ll go to get something from their car, and Ithey’ll ask if it’s okay for them to let themselves back in. Most homeowners don’t think anything of this, but this is actually a psychological trick. The idea is that you wouldn’t allow someone to let themselves into your house unless you trusted them, and if you trust them, you’re much more likely to do business with them.
They’ll spend 3 hours talking about how great whatever it is they’re selling is, and it will start to feel like the only way to get these people out of your house is to sign a dotted line.
They’ll do whatever they can to stop you from talking to other companies. That’s why they’ll start lowering their prices as soon as you mention that you’re getting multiple quotes.
Get yourself an HTPC keyboard with a built in trackpad. The Logitech K400 is a good choice.
Rel-Load in particular had a lot of songs that I felt were half baked. Some of those songs should have spent more time in the cutting room floor and didn’t need to be as long as they were. They either needed to make those songs shorter or make them more interesting.
Do you realize that you can pay 0% if you pay a card in full, and still get the reward?
Why are you trying to take something away from me just because you’re terrible with money?
Say goodbye to rewards cards if this happens.
Generation Why by Zhu. I don’t really care for most of Zhu’s music, but this album I really enjoy. It’s similar in style to 808s and heartbreak.
Since I left you is one of my favorite music videos. It’s quite wholesome.
Doesn’t help that you have old hags like Nancy Pelosi refusing to relinquish any power and pass the torch to someone younger. People shouldn’t have to wait for you to die to take the reigns.
Lemmy is full of people that I would never want to hang out with IRL. Even if I agree with most of what they’re saying, they manage to say it in the most neckbeardy way possible.
From the top of my head:
Everyone forgets how to drive when it first snows. Try to avoid driving as much as possible during the first few days of winter.
Stick to busy roads if it recently snowed as they get plow priority, and the heavy traffic will help pack down the snow which will make it less slippery.
Fresh snow is a heck of a lot more slippery than snow that fell a few days ago.
4 wheel / all wheel drive is great, but you don’t actually need it. If your car has traction control and a good set of tires, then you’ve got everything you need to drive in the snow with confidence.
Snow tires are a worthy investment. People think that you don’t need snow tires if you have all seasons, but there’s no comparison to tires that are specifically made to be driven in the snow.
The posted speed limit is for ideal weather conditions. If there’s snow on the ground, then that’s not ideal, and you need to drive slower than the speed limit if you want to be safe and not fly off the road. One time a car passed me and about 2 miles later I saw that exact same car in the ditch. You don’t want to be that person. If you are that person, then everyone that passes you will be silently judging you while you sit there and wait hours for a tow truck because 30 other people all did the exact same thing at the exact same time.
Not really snow related, but cars with old batteries have a really hard time starting when the weather is at or below zero. If your battery is more than a few years old, it might be time to get a new one.
Bridges will freeze before anything else when the temperature gets below freezing. Just because the roads aren’t slippery doesn’t mean that any bridges you go over will be the same.
Is our children learning?
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My dad used to do this shit all the time. He would be like “let’s clean the house” but what he really meant was “You clean the house.”
One of my teachers told me that RL Stine died and for 20 years I believed her.