lactose intolerant and had too much cheese?
just me
lactose intolerant and had too much cheese?
Ankh wedja seneb (𓋹𓍑𓋴 ꜥnḫ wḏꜢ snb) is an Egyptian phrase which often appears after the names of pharaohs, in references to their household, or at the ends of letters. The formula consists of three Egyptian hieroglyphs without clarification of pronunciation, making its exact grammatical form difficult to reconstruct. It may be expressed as “life, prosperity, and health”, but Alan Gardiner proposed that they represented verbs in the stative form:[citation needed] “Be alive, strong, and healthy”.
from wikipedia
fixed it
your windows look spotless in this photo! woah
hey maybe they did. any anarchist & communist with a brain understands that the majority of people will have a knee jerk reaction and shut down if you utter the various trigger phrases (such as “anarchism/communism has some good points”). so they’d probably water down their beliefs for easier digestion
but if you mean an outspoken anarchist who gets invited to talk about anarchism then yeah you’re right, this isn’t happening unless for a joke or to make them a scapegoat
that’s fair, i think i enjoyed Elden Ring the most of all soulslikes because if you can’t be asked to memorise a specific boss you can just go somewhere and come back strong enough to two hit the one that gave you trouble
have you considered playing with the approach that soulslikes are really rhythm games and boss battles are dance offs (to death)?
this perspective allowed me to enjoy soulslikes more
i’m honestly terrified. the last thing the entire planet wanted was a puppet orange for a fascist billionaire having all the nuke launch codes
it’s a metaphor for the scheduled call’s big forehead
that’s why i’m terrified of driving, even if you’re the perfect driver there will always be some asshole on the phone who misses a sign and just slams into you at full speed. This thought paralyses me to the point where driving is close to impossible to me, the anxiety is just too strong
funnily enough my brain does not vibe with that. oh anxiety meds? curious, guess we gotta make more anxiety :) how on earth does lsd help me more than actual doctor prescribed drugs, infuriating
in my experience the leftover anxiety buildup will stick around even after the stressor is over. it takes at least a day to clear properly
gotta take time to start unwinding while the adrenaline is still running around or it’s going to hit you all at once
i think it’s more that pale red-orange (also known as caucasian skin tone) isn’t anywhere on the scale. and assuming most scientist aren’t huge into colour theory, they’d be confused by such result
(apologies if that’s what you meant, i am drunk and typed it before thinking)
yeah been there, well, still am, my doc told me to make an appointment with another doctor to check if i can take stimulants… that was nearly a year ago :) it already took me several years to even try to get a diagnosis
i think it implies there’s acoustic girls out there, and can confirm, i know a few!
i use media player when i need to listen to 20 barely different background drone sounds to pick one from as it opens the fastest (apart from the times when it doesn’t)
but yeah to open anything that is a “”“strange”“” codec i use VLC too
kinda weird to hate a group of people when you don’t know much about them
i was once tripping on acid and noticed a pretty little spider in my garden, idk if it’s an orbweaver, but little man was certainly enjoying the flies that were attracted to my body heat lmao
people who dress up as Luke Skywalker rarely want to fuck their sister. it’s cosplay man, most of their characters are only based on animals anyway, with added neon bits of fur or straight up just dragons
anthropomorphic animals have been a thing since, well at the very least 3000BC (Ancient Egypt)
put a triple the height column right there - luck to get an interview in the first place. You’re lucky if an actual human reads your CV nowadays, instead of an AI fishing for keywords