About that, Germany is currently struggling with the Chinese for (global) market share. There was hope to win the electric car race but China brought them to market fairly quickly, while the German Automotive Industry moved slowly as it often does.
About that, Germany is currently struggling with the Chinese for (global) market share. There was hope to win the electric car race but China brought them to market fairly quickly, while the German Automotive Industry moved slowly as it often does.
Yikes… One would expect stability and reliability from main distros, it’s funny to me that Linux Mint is the thing you recommend your family to try because Fedora and Ubuntu, formerly popular distros, went to shit.
I also checked on my account forgot to mention that.
I get what you mean but as an avid souls player I can tell you N:A wasn’t easy at the beginning. Felt like an “old game” then something clicked for me and was able to really enjoy the game and ended up getting all endings. It is not for everyone.
Surprised that Nier Automata is not showing as similar, from the gameplay I saw it is essentially the same game.
Also using Racoon, really nice
Wine for windows, what a time to be alive
I do think it’s important that there is a switch to a newer language like Rust away from C eventually.
The problem is you can’t come in swinging to be let into the party, there are processes and tests to be done.
Oh no, now there is a security audit and the pdf generated is insecure, the unpaid developer that has not logged in since 2015 has to fix this ASAP
I’m not directly affected by American politics. But it is interesting to see how it behaves. The Democrats seem to have an identity crisis, they appear to have expected to win because “who would vote for the orange guy?” mentality, but they showed their lack of vision by allowing Biden to run first then switching to Kamala when it didn’t work out. In the meantime Trump was being a salesman/conman with bold proposals that would benefit the people, even if they weren’t true (as it usual with politics).
The Democrats needed, from the start, a somewhat young, centrist and fierce candidate, that could chew Trump during debates, thus turning Republican voters, but the Democrat leadership is sadly lacking and not getting on with the times. I see news about the GOP and Turning point USA quite often, never good but very visible while from the Democrat side there is just silence, just waiting the Republicans to lose.
What the fuck are they talking about, what were they executing? The governments decide what to do, the WHO provides guidelines and recommendations. Germany provided the injections quite late, Mexico went for the Chinese and Russian which were rushed…
The expectation that doctors have magic powers and can cure every illness is stupid. Most treatments are just your body doing it’s thing while you support from the sidelines and the doctor is telling you what to scream. Even the Covid vaccine is teaching your system to fight it…
Fucking Microsoft and theri fucking sites, I always have to go back with the menu
“Now now, come an tell uncle Musky what’s worrying you”
When the chats leak there will a “at least I’m not a virgin”, 100% guaranteed
I’ve got the feeling that GPU development is plateauing, new flagships are consuming an immense amount of power and the sizes are humongous. I do give DLSS, Local-AI and similar technologies the benefit of doubt but is just not there yet. GPUs should be more efficient and improve in other ways.
I to a look into it, it seems that the numbers come directly from the lawyers. Grossing here is referring to just what was accumulated in movie theaters and they focused in just Los Angeles and Philadelphia. I can assume only to showcase the limited spread of the film.
I also agree that it was a brutal argument and it was very bold from the director to sue.
The Sandevistan Mods, Autoloot and Damage Scaling was what I used to roll.
the Sandevistan one is stupid fun, I don’t remember which one is it (got it from some YouTube videos). You stop time, throw granades and knives, slice through baddies then you watch everything unfold when time restores.
You need to end your sentences with “I use Arch btw”, read the Arch wiki for more info