pra quem quiser ir direto na publicação oficial: https://omnihuman-lab.github.io/
pra quem quiser ir direto na publicação oficial: https://omnihuman-lab.github.io/
olha, ach que a gente está problematizando demais essa frase do boné. Pra mim, isso foi só uma jogada estratégica pra tentar capturar parte da base eleitora que se aproximou do bolsonarismo meramente por sentimentos nacionalistas e enfraquecer o movimento enquanto se fortalece o pt. Se tá dando certo, não temos como saber ainda, pois nossas percepções pessoais são enviesadas e só as estatísticas vão conseguir responder daqui a um tempinho
That would be reuse, not recycle ;)
But that’s a nice suggestion
Oh, I get it now, it makes sense too
Slowly, they will do. Every new one that does and gets media attention pulls others to do the same
I would really love something like that, or like the phones made by hisense. I love e-inks and they fit very well my phone usage pattern. Too bad I was born in the poor side of the world and will never have the cool stuff
I don’t think it’s a fair comparison. The greatest aspect of e-ink screens is not giving strain to the eyes. Looking at a greyscale phone will just have the downsides of both worlds.
Com certeza vai. Acredito que cresça em até uns 50%, que daria uns 2 pontos percentuais. Imaginar mais do que isso, seria exagero.
Nem parece que querem ampliar o mercado do win11. Faltam 8 meses pro fim do suporte do 10, e ele ainda tem mais de 60% do mercado kkkkk
A lógica me diria que vão acabar recuando, mas sei não, as empresas dos eua estão numa crise de gestão muito séria. Deve ser muito microplástico no cérebro dessa turma. Vai faltar pipoca pra gente ver como as coisas vão se desdobrar.
I assumed a x64. Debian (the distro mx linux is based on) offers multiarch support, so i just had to enable it by running:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
Then, to install 32-bit firefox, I first uninstalled it and then installed the 32-bit version:
sudo apt remove firefox-esr
sudo apt install firefox-esr:i386
With the standard 64 bit version, the browser would struggle with just 2 or 3 tabs, and with the 32 bit version, she can use like 10 tabs without problems
Recebi também e entendi nada. Até fiquei pensando na questão de escalabilidade do fediverso. Será este mais vulnerável a spam?
Eu sou um galã??
Claro que é!
Esse não era o roteiro do filme do chico bento?
Por curiosidade, produtos de marcas dos eua mas com fabricação em território canadense recebem tambta bandeira?
Or I could recycle it
Could you really? E-waste recycling is a great lie made so that people don’t get remorse over throwing away their devices. Electronics are too complex, diverse and full of toxic stiff to be property recycled.
If anyone wants to dive more into this, there has been some projects where people from higher income countries put tracking devices inside e-waste before sending to “recycling”, to find out where they end up. Spoiler: in poorer countries, to either be scattered around, thrown into a landfill, or be scavenged by underpaid people without any protection equipment.
Uber has a pwa available. Would it help you? At least it would minimize privacy invasion.
disable CPU hogs and file indexing etc.
Do you have some tips for that?
There are plenty of distros for very low end pcs, but they tend to require more tech skills to use. I have experience with a friend in a similar situation. I installed with mx linux for her and she is liking it. The performance is pretty reasonable and it comes with various tools that make it easier for people with less tech skills. The only extra thing I did was install the 32 bit version of firefox, because it makes a huge difference in low ram devices.
That’s exactly why statistics are needed, because our personal perception is flawed. People like to say sensationalist phrases like “the desktop platform is dying”, but data from sites like statista shows the desktop marketshare around a bit more than 1/3, and that’s a lot of devices, very far from being a dead or irrelevant platform. It’s logical that smartphones, that are personal devices turned on all the time will have more traffic and marketshare, but that doesn’t mean the desktop is dying. Actually, the pc sales keep growing, although at a slower rate (that can be due to several factors, like older pcs lasting longer), and that means that the mobile platform has grown in a faster rate, not necessarily that people are stopping using pcs, but that specific data we don’t have available, unfortunately.
Another thing I keep seeing people say on the internet without any proof (that’s one interesting thing abut those sensationalist statements: they never provide any proof, just a personal perception, but we need proof to counterargument) is that younger people are stopping using pcs and that desktops are becoming an “habit of older people”. I don’t know of any gobal research on that, but at least here in Brazil, we have an annual survey from cetic.br that shows that desktop usage doesn’t have significant differences among age groups. I don’t know if the same stands for the entire world, but I’ve seen a lot of people saying that phrase around here too. Also, that’s not only a sensationalist thing people say, but seems to me to have some degree of ageism.
It’s not like both worlds are antagonists. Free software is more of an ecosystem, and every part that grows helps each other. People who run foss on a device are more likely to run foss in others.
Linux on mobile struggles not because of a lack of interested developers, but because most phones are locked to prevent us from running modified oses, and the apps available for all the services needed require an android os.
Besides, to discredit the desktop platform as fi not important is an exaggeration.
É difícil saber o que ocorreu sem mais detalhes. Se usa todos os aparelhos via wifi, pode simplesmente ter aumentado a quantidade de pacotes trafegados e gerou mais perdas e colisões, comprometendo a qualidade. Pode ser também que usando torrent, você tende a maximizar a velocidade de download pro limite da sua internet, sem limitações do servidor, e sua rede não ter um bom controle disso, deixando uma conexão usar toda a banda e prejudicar as outras. Pode ser também que, como no torrent você abre muitas conexões com muitos ips diferentes, pode reduzir o desempenho em roteadores mais baratos ou antigos. Pode ser muita coisa
Mas pra resolver, não tem segredo. Independente da causa, experimenta aí a dica que @abobla@lemm.ee deu, de limitar a velocidade do torrent. Pode experimentar também limitar a quantidade de conexões simultâneas pra ver se ajuda. Se tiver usando wifi, veja se é possível conectar um cabo.