Alternatively, many games will offer rewards for leveling up, but they’ll have two tiers of rewards, unpaid and paid. If you buy the season pass, you’ll get both tiers of rewards.
That’s a battle pass.
Alternatively, many games will offer rewards for leveling up, but they’ll have two tiers of rewards, unpaid and paid. If you buy the season pass, you’ll get both tiers of rewards.
That’s a battle pass.
Riichi Mahjong (Mahjong Soul, Riichi City), Slay the Spire, and Panel de Pon are my main second monitor fare these days.
Never heard of it, what’s your reason for picking this one? Looks like it’s an Arch derivative, but the site doesn’t tell me much about what’s supposed to set it apart from vanilla Arch.
If you’re new to Linux, I would strongly recommend a mainstream distro popular enough that you can easily Google any issues that arise. Beyond that, distro honestly really doesn’t matter all that much - at least not until you’ve been using Linux long enough to know that there’s something specific you want from a particular distro and are interested in tinkering around for it. But starting out, just pick something Googleable, any mainstream distro will do.
Nintendo goes after the ones that get too much media attention. And the number of posts I’ve seen about this one suggest it’s making too much noise.
If it’s a fast-paced action game, 60 is a must. If it’s turn-based, or otherwise just slow enough to not matter, I’ll sometimes accept a stable 30 - but only if it’s truly stable, any dips below that are not okay.
Reminder that a trans woman threw the first brick. This is an attempt to rewrite history.
I think that’s just BitTorrent.
Splatoon. You could definitely come up with plenty of cool movement abilities to unlock. And in general I just want to see the IP explored in all kinds of directions. If the franchise had debuted a generation earlier, I keep imagining what kind of straight-to-handheld companion title it would’ve gotten.
I got into Skullgirls because it was the first even halfway-decent fighting game with a native Linux port. Still playing it nearly a decade later because it’s that damn good.
I also love Them’s Fightin’ Herds for being the next game to get a port. But with the current state of the game I haven’t been grinding as much lately since I can’t always hop on and get matches very easily… It’s always gonna hold a special place in my heart and I will keep entering majors whenever it’s there, but I’ve accepted its fate…
I’ve also been hooked on UNI2 as of late. I bought the Switch version since I have neither Windows nor PS4, but we’ve got an active Discord and biweekly bracket at least. I only know about half the matchups in the game though, so I’m at risk of getting caught out at majors.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Spirited Away
Because SQL is everywhere. If Musk knew what it was, he would know that the government absolutely does use it.
He somehow gained support with gen Z from 2016->2024.
The real reason the Death Note user can’t go to heaven or hell is because there is no heaven or hell to begin with. Ryuk was just trolling Light when he told him that’s the price to use the Death Note.
So not using it won’t actually save your soul, because all souls become nothingness in the end no matter what.
How many people did he have to step on to hoard a billion dollars in the first place? I would rather he never have become a billionaire.
There are no ethical billionaires. Full stop.
A LLM cannot channel the level of white-hot rage that I can.
You have to use the target’s real name. This is why Light couldn’t just kill “L”, being known only by a pseudonym kept him safe.
Hoarding it until he dies is still hoarding it.
There are no ethical billionaires because the act of hoarding a billion dollars is inherently unethical. Giving only some of it to charity is not enough to justify how much more damage was done in the first place.
Can a LLM do this?
[20 page rant about a video game I’m mad at, with illustrated diagrams and painstakingly-researched source citations]
There are only a handful of communities I subscribe to, so that I can sort by /new and never miss a post.
But the fact that they’re slow enough for me to never miss a post means I can’t just browse. So /all is the frontpage for browsing.
A few answers here are mixing up season passes with battle passes.
A season pass is just a bundle of multiple pieces of DLC, often sold in advance with a schedule for when each item will release. Sometimes the contents can also be purchased individually, but buying them bundled in the pass will get you a discount. Generally this is a fair enough business model, even if the idea of preordering DLC doesn’t sit right with you, you can always wait and just buy the pass once everything is released.
A battle pass is a model found in a number of live service games. After purchasing the pass, you can grind for in-game rewards. Oftentimes there’s a deadline to finish grinding by, and once a pass is over you can no longer obtain the rewards and will have to buy the next pass for the next set of rewards. These are engagement bait to keep players grinding so that playercount remains high, and they rely heavily on FOMO, which makes them controversial. But they make a lot of money, so you’ll keep seeing them.